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Ever get alittle toooo drunk?

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heres a crazy story about last night.  i got drunk, and when i woke up this morning i was sleeping next to a hot big titted blonde, and i banged her.

thats never happened before.





Your sister sounds hot! Got a number?

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youre an idiot. i know youre teetering on the edge of mental retardation, but thats no excuse for being an asshole.  i like you less and less with every post you make.  i cant wait til the day you wind up in jail bent over, i bet youll enjoy every inch. 


oh, and your sig is too wide, it makes the pages way too wide everytime you bless us with your verbal diarrhea.  no one gives a shit about your fuckin plants anyways.  find something else to cling to popularity with.


thank you Brooke, get the hell out of here kid...

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that was good fasterthanyou.frankly though just to be straight up I don't give a fuck who I'm talking to ...you say that as if you some hardass........oh and you got me saying stuff that I'm from WV I may run and tell somebody. I bet if you lived here though youd be speaking a different tone cuase everyone is hard on the net but only a few in real life anyway I'm done with the bitch fits next time you have something to say about someone make sure your in their face.. the outcome isnt always words.

life is one big lesson...you should take notes......hahahaha -_-

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  • 3 weeks later...
I hope you use a pneumatic nail gun.


that's was a funny ass visual...


I got a really really good drunk story.


This is where it gets good:


This isnt any ordinary church.....there is some weird shit that goes on in this rinky dinky church.  Its about the size of a small house, and every member I've ever met is straight out of deliverence.  So I park in one of the 5 parking spots (where we usually park when we hang out at my buddies), and decide I have to puke again.  I go over into the grass on the side of the building and end up not puking, but I pass out in the grass.  This was saturday night that this all happened and when sunday morning rolled around......guess who was still nice and passed out on the grass  :unsure:


I wake up to someone rocking my shoulder, and look up.....and theres 4 of the strangest people I've ever seen in my life standing over me.  I didnt know whether to scream or pinch myself because I was still dreaming....it just didnt seem right.  I got up and said sorry about all this, got in my truck, pulled into my buddies driveway, got my whits together, and drove home.




Black-outs, pretty much why I try and stay away for the alochol..

The time I remember most (well sorta) I was down at "deep ellem" the darker clubs of Dallas one weekend didn't member much from that night, the next weekend I was in the same bar (apparentlly) and this big ole guy I mean really big came up and asked how I was doing I was like " :huh: ". He says you don't meber me huh? Nope, he was the bouncer of the club and apparently at closing time I was done with my beer and wasn't gonna throw it out, threaten to kick his ass (this coming from a 127# er).. He was laughing about it all the next week, but I still didn't remember any of it, fuckin scarey..


I got drinking down to maybe once a month on SPECIAL days!

Usaully Crown or 7 with a splash of well anything...

At LS I had a bottle of Seagrams VO that went well with Country Time Lemonade...


I don't mind the 420, I just don't advertize it...


there are more "heads" in the world than you would think. I know teachers, council members and even cops that like to toke once in awhile!



I sure hope this doesn't put me on the "black list" or should I say the "green list"

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I don't mind the 420, I just don't advertize it...


there are more "heads" in the world than you would think.  I know teachers, council members and even cops that like to toke once in awhile!



I sure hope this doesn't put me on the "black list" or should I say the "green list"


Seriously no joke ther are ALOT :ph34r: most of them keep to themselves the younger ones kinda like to boast about it which i have no prob with to a certain extent life is way diff out here on the West Coast than the majority of the people on here that are more East it would probly even be legal if the governmetn could find a way to tax it :rolleyes:

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most of them keep to themselves the younger ones kinda like to boast about it which i have no prob with to a certain extent life is way diff out here on the West Coast than the majority of the people on here that are more East


what, are you kidding? arent you like 12? and youre giving life lessons? lol


there are probably more pot heads back here where i live than where you are, most people around here grow their own right in their back yard. theres nothing to do here but drink and smoke pot. but that doesnt make it ok. just because a lot of people do it, doesnt make it acceptable.

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pots fine to each their own.

my best(worst) drunken night. me and my buddys were working on his mud truck in the drive way driving vodka +cranberry and redbull jag. apparently i blacked out ...i cant say for sure but from what ive heard this is how it went down.... were sitting drinking and i hear a popcan rolling down the street so i jump up and take off running... straight into the front of his e-150 about 4 feet away banghead ..i knock myself out and rolled down the driveway into the street where i lay for about 5 minutes before they come to check on me my eyes where open and pointing different directions. so they each grab an arm and drag my ass up the driveway litterally. my pants slid down and ended up with a 4" circle scab on each cheek...what great friends :rotflmao:

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pots fine to each their own.

my best(worst) drunken night. me and my buddys were working on his mud truck in the drive way driving vodka +cranberry and redbull jag. apparently i blacked out ...i cant say for sure but from what ive heard this is how it went down.... were sitting drinking and i hear a popcan rolling down the street so i jump up and take off running... straight into the front of his e-150 about 4 feet away banghead ..i knock myself out and rolled down the driveway into the street where i lay for about 5 minutes before they come to check on me my eyes where open and pointing different directions. so they each grab an arm and drag my ass up the driveway litterally. my pants slid down and ended up with a 4" circle scab on each cheek...what great friends :rotflmao:



:lol: Good times lol



And Brook How the fuck is that a life lesson just statin the facts. Why is it not acceptable, what to ur standards? So what, if u do it and if u dont who gives a fuck maybe if u have sum funny ass story other than that shutthefuckup. One more thing u kno u get the Stressy mexican bud out ther its all about the Cali Crops strait outta Humbolt,CA that place is the shit Long Live Long Beach DUB also :notworthy:

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One more thing u kno u get the Stressy mexican bud out ther its all about the Cali Crops strait outta Humbolt,CA that place is the shit Long Live Long Beach DUB also  :notworthy:


huh?? we have mexican bud here? how do you figure?


you need to lay off the weed man. your posts are almost unreadable.

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huh??  we have mexican bud here? how do you figure?


you need to lay off the weed man. your posts are almost unreadable.


Thanks, hmm maybe not stoned enough .. :rolleyes: lol

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