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Banshee or Warrior

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Well first off it's a 96 shee with new black and yellow plastics it has renthal bars,dg front and rear bumper, gripper seat cover and FMF fatties with power core silencers.My banshee needs a crank,pistons and re-sleeved.


The warrior is a 87 model with a DG slip-on silencer and a fresh rebuild that is a wiseco .20 kit. I rode the warrior and it had good power but didn't handle as good as the shee in cornering and turning but sort of figured that but it did run good.


I think the dude wants to trade me straight up. I was just wanting some opinions to help my decision, I ride trails alot in WV.I love the speed of the banshee and how you can just slide the curves ,but I'm low on funds.

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dude i got rid of my banshee for a warrior , please dont downgrade to a warrior ..... jesus christ warriors are electrical nightmares  :cry:



???? in the past you did or you traded your current banshee for a warrior? :confused: I hope to god you didnt trade your present drag one

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???? in the past you did or you traded your current banshee for a warrior? :confused:  I hope to god you didnt trade your present drag one



hahah what a stoner ,good lord i cant belive i typed that wrong . ment to say i traded warrior + $ for the bikes i have now ....... GOOD god i would never goto a 4 poke again .






lol banghead

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Yea, but would you trade your banshee for one?



No r u crazy, they get way better gas mileage and u can ride forever pretty much the only reason i like 4 pokes

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