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BHQ at Little Sahara March 23rd thru 26th


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I don't know how much rain we've had but it's been non stop since yesterday morning. Suppose to rain all day tomorrow as well. I sure hope they will lift the fire ban cause the nights are gonna be chilly!

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I don't know how much rain we've had but it's been non stop since yesterday morning. Suppose to rain all day tomorrow as well. I sure hope they will lift the fire ban cause the nights are gonna be chilly!




No kidding.. That's like a major downfall of this whole trip I think.. I was gonna go out to wal mart and get those damn hotdogs with cheese in them like you had last time. Those things were damn good. Gonna suck when we are all drunked up and we are gonna wanna burn a hot dog or 2 with no fire.. bangheadbanghead

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if you see this, you are seeing me!!





will do also!!!

well my will say 98bonerstockshee.... :rotflmao:


My father has been in the hospital this past week he's having heart troubles, possible by-pass tomorrow, if everything goes well I'll be enjoying the sand this weekend.....

All I know is that the hospital shit sucks and I needs to ride...

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I was gonna go out to wal mart and get those damn hotdogs with cheese in them like you had last time. Those things were damn good. Gonna suck when we are all drunked up and we are gonna wanna burn a hot dog or 2 with no fire..


The Oscar Mayer hot dogs with the cheese in them are good even when they're cold. :headbang:

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Of course these just ain't your ole everyday hotdogs. These are Ekrich smoiked sausages with cheese. I also bought a different brand with jalapeno and cheese, those should be good as well. Johnsonville makes some killer smoke sausage with cheese too. :drool: Hell if worse comes to worst I'll cook them with a cigarrette lighter.

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Well shit, I've been out of the loop. I just got off the phone with Jeff and he informed me about this get together.


My motor's been apart for like 2 months but it's mostly put back together. Just waiting on one last part. If the wether clears up soon enough for me to tune the new combo, I'll try to make it down there. It's not looking real promising right now though...

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The temperature forecast is pissing me off. Been hot all winter and now it's gona decide to get effin cold. They better lift the fire ban!!



Yeah, I know it banghead Only thing is though, if they lift the ban, will we have enough notice to bring firewood? Would be my luck that they lift the ban when we're there, and no one has any wood to burn :shootself:


It's a good thing I'm jetted a little rich, it's gonna be friggin COLD!!!

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Good new!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Someone probably needs to validate this as well.




OKLAHOMA CITY The statewide burn ban is being lifted in all 77 counties by Governor Brad Henry _ but he's still urging Oklahomans to be cautious with fires.


The governor said today that significant rainfall during the past few days led experts to recommend lifting the ban on outdoor burning that was first issued in November.


And Henry says even though the burn ban is no longer in place residents should remain vigilant in guarding against the threat of wildfires.


More than 27-hundred wildfires have burned more 557-thousand acres statewide since November first.


Copyright 2006 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.



Did I just infringe on a copyright? lol

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