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lol, That's some fucked up shit! What's the deal Brian??



dude, you took the words right out of my mouth :P

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I can't believe how retarded you guys are. I'll explain everything...


I saw this post last night and visited the semra website. After seeing the winners page and noticing the pics used were of Cam Morehead I decided to e-mail him. tats deliberately came on here and lied to us all. He posted pics of cam racing and said it was him. Scroll up and read his reply to me and loco if you dont believe me.

Cam has every right to be pissed off. How many of you would appreciate somebody on the bluetraxx forums posting pics of you riding while claiming to be you? If you guys have any doubts or think I've sipped a little bit of the hooch to come to this whacky conclusion, visit the semra website. You'll see the exact same pics tats used. Hell check the pics themselves look at where he hotlinked them from.





on a side note,i never understood the whole snitchin thing.why not just call tats out?


cam, killer pics. love that motard stuff.

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i do believe CC tried to point out the bullshit. look at his first post. he posted the page on that site that had the pics that clearly said they were some guy named cam, not brian, aka tats. 



True, true...but I'm still thinking like NYUK on this one, why not just bust him out cold? Sometimes it's hard to read between the lines on these forums; you can say something and have it interpreted 10 different ways. :shrugani:


why not just call tats out?





Nice pics, Cam!!!

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This very well may be my first and last post but for the record.....

I am the one who took the pics of Cam and most on the SEMRA site and unlike Cam and SEMRA he DOES NOT have copyright release and even a link claiming to be him is as far as I am concerned a violation.

Come to Starke the next race and introduce yourself and I will gladly take pics and give you so you can so you can post your real self pics. Also that is Ellis .....it is written right on his back ....new set of leather much like AMA riider with initials M. S. and yes I took that pic also.

If you have doubts if I am who I say I am...a picture is worth a thousand words.


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i think we have gained 4 new members today!...wonder why..

shits pretty much overwith from your end..maybe im alone here but i just want to know what he has to say

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Thanks for all the compliments. You may understand why I got so mad. Sponsors including pruduct suppliers and photographers take this serious as you see by PicPapa's post. We invest thousands upon thousands of dollars and people give us thousands of dollars in products or cash to win on their stuff. I don't take it lightly. Sorry to stir up the regulars but I think Tat better watch himself. This is not the thing to be doing. You can get sued over this stuff. As Wayne said, if you want to see this in person, we will be racing in Florida next month. I do plan on defending my 2005 title. Cam #121

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. yea, i can just picture loco being nice and friendly if he ever caught someone posting some of his vids and claiming they were of them.  he'd rip em a new asshole, and rightfully so.



i actually did catch someone on PS once that had some of my pictures. i sent him a PM asking him to take them off..he did so. i wasnt a dick about it, i just told him that if he wanted to use my pictures he shoulda asked me first...so there brooke, you man hater :D


cam, im in no way bein negative towards you. the whole banning thing is what got me. like i said, i think that shit is cool and i watch it a lot. your pictures are tight too..i think you should do some of that jumpin them guys do and post some pics up here...its pretty obvious theres a bunch of guys, and brooke of course, that would like to see what you do...how about some video clips??

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