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went round to a friends house last night. i had been of the drink for 10 weeks and decided i would have one or 2. i had 3 pints of cider and i was completely out of it.... this morning i feel like i had about 10 pints.


anyone else suffer from hang overs in the morning??? i have friends that can drink all they like and not feel a thing in the morning, then there is me, worst one i had was when i woke up in a porta-loo still half drunk... boy was i ill!

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:cheers: i only get hangovers if i drink out of the tap ...or if i smoke cigarettes ....other than that i dont suffer much from hangovers and im a big beer drinker ...i started to get hangovers from whiskey so i pushed that stuff over to the corner and reserved it for funerals only ......ten weeks off the juice you probably felt really good ...i used to take time off the juice too ,..but when i started having kids i said fuck it im gonna drink whenever i can because times are few and far between now.....but im due for a vacation from my friend beer ....the tap gave me the evil shits this morning im so cleaned out i dont need coffee ......but im gonna drink it any how ....if you can handle taking more time off do it ...if not drink lots ...but remember to drink lots of water too because water will naturally take out a hangover ....smart er people will mix in a couple of waters through the night between beers to avoid trouble the next day ..... :cheers::headbang:
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a "good friend" of mine makes his own. tripple filtered and real smooth. slight yeasty taste but hardly noticable. have gotten completely bombed off this stuff and have yet to get a hangover.Drink the same quantity of store bought stuff and be prepared to pay the next morning. :wacko: .this is excellent firewater! :evil:

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went round to a friends house last night. i had been of the drink for 10 weeks and decided i would have one or 2. i had 3 pints of cider and i was completely out of it.... this morning i feel like i had about 10 pints.


anyone else suffer from hang overs in the morning??? i have friends that can drink all they like and not feel a thing in the morning, then there is me, worst one i had was when i woke up in a porta-loo still half drunk... boy was i ill!



Makes you think twice,aye?

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Makes you think twice,aye?



aye it does :D


i am goignt o keep off it. last night was just a one off, was in the mood for it. i do feel great being off it which is making stay off it even more.

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i drink ruffly 20 beers a day MAX , from the time i get up till the time i goto sleep , i never have had a hangover from that and i always feel quite good when i wake up.


The Strong LIQUORS get me tore up the next day so i stay away


a little medicinal MJ helps

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hangovers......damn i hate them but student life seems to leave me in a constant hangover :blink:


drinkings my friend, so i carry on!!





the best cure for a hangover is a beer  :cheers:


and remember its not and addiction its a hobby ,

and alcohaulics go to meetings. :D



preech on dedicated drinkers

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id rather have some medical MJ than drink... anyday.


head is still pounding and has been since i woke up at 9:30am.


MYquadsfatser, the think i dont get about AA... why it it called alcoholics anonomus if the first thing they do is stand up and say there name? :shrugani: beats me.

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smart er people will mix in a couple of waters through the night between beers to avoid trouble the next day ..... :cheers:  :headbang:



That's what I do when I drink beer, or else I'll get a headache/hangover the next day....hard liquor I can drink all night with no worries :cheers:


Hey tithead, what kind of cider were you drinking to tear you up like that? Might need to get my hands on some of that :D

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