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I love mine!  It kicks ass.  Korean Out Of Fucking Nowhere.... come on, you can't beat that.


that is really funny. a lot of em are. and a lot of wes' are hot but i dont need to see all eighty bagillion of them looping over and over, i dont need to watch my browser try loading them from their shitty host sites over and over, and i dont need to always have to scroll ten inches when you two fucktards decide to grace us all with your presence.

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that is really funny. a lot of em are. and a lot of wes' are hot but i dont need to see all eighty bagillion of them looping over and over, i dont need to watch my browser try loading them from their shitty host sites over and over, and i dont need to always have to scroll ten inches when you two fucktards decide to grace us all with your presence.





Kinda like how you will have to scroll down past this stuff....








































to see what I wrote down here? :rotflmao:

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Kinda like how you will have to scroll down past this stuff....

to see what I wrote down here?  :rotflmao:


uhh yea. like that. congratulations.....






























































......you suck.


now stop it.


change your sig. strive for making it less annoying than you are being right now. thats a good goal. and you dont need to list every piece of material thats on your ride in a vertical list, commas will do. we can all deal with commas telling us the next grouping of words represents a different part than the previous grouping of words enclosed with commas.

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and you dont need to list every piece of material thats on your ride in a vertical list, commas will do. we can all deal with commas telling us the next grouping of words represents a different part than the previous grouping of words enclosed with commas.



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see, meat has the right idea. replace your sig with a quote from me. i have said lots of interesting things. even lefty has a quote from me in his sig. maybe it will catch on and be a new fad.


actually, let me give you a few great ideas for a new sig;


"Brooke made me delete my sig."


"Brooke thinks im a fucktard, but not as fucktardly as wesw"


"i love meat" <---that really is a quote from me. its a double entendre, so its double fun.


or feel free to call me names or whatever, anything but the fucking animated gifs.

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There you go, you got part of it.  I'm keeping the animations though.  I like them.


thanks, but the animations are the most annoying part. why not just pick one. then you can change it out everyday if you want and keep people on edge, wondering what the next fabulous animated gif will be from bigred. what a great idea! youll be loved by all. i swear. really. lets try, shall we??

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Haha Brooke you're the best :lol:


I think CC's sig pic is the greatest I've ever seen though. :notworthy:

Edited by 350TwinDeathBed
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AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!  This is going to get good I can tell.


It probably would if it didnt take a fucking hour to load because of those stupid gif's. Really they're funny, I especially like the dude kicking the old chick. Ask Brooke, there is nothing that I find funnier than a good rounhouse kick to some old bitches jaw. But honestly why have em? It's no different than rewinding a DVD over and over on a funny joke or a scene where some guy gets his head blown up and clapping everytime you see it.

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