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see??!!  do it for mikey, dammit!!

  :cry:  poor mikey.  :cry:   

i love u mike



;) .... If I turn the avatars off my oh so precious ass will go away... I can't be having that.... I like avatars... it's the paragraph of sketchy ass .gifs that not only fuck my browser up but wear my god damn mouse hand out from having to scroll through 8''of shit just to see a post... I don't have a problem with one or two... or any of them for that matter.... but when is enough enough? If I want porn i'll go to google...





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LOL everyone is getting all butt hurt over sigs now. I change mine about every month, so just chill and it will change. If your browser is crashing because of some 15-50k GIF files you need to use a different browser and/or a better computer. Download firefox and you can tell it not to load images from certain pages. :huh:


In any case... I'm not going to change mine until I personally get sick of it. Which will be in about a month. WesW's sig used to bug the shit out of me every time I saw it, then I got used to it and I think it's cool now.


See Image 4 in my sig for my response.


(I will change mine this weekend, since I used to have dial up and I know how annoying shit like that can be. It was fun while it lasted, but I try to be considerate sometimes, so I will change my sig this weekend, ok?)

Edited by BigRed350x
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If your browser is crashing because of some 15-50k GIF files you need to use a different browser and/or a better computer.  Download firefox and you can tell it not to load images from certain pages.  :huh:


i run firefox on a $2,000 computer, thank you very much. its not the gif file sizes, its the crappy host sites they are on. fucks shit up after a while. and why should all of us have to change shit just for two members?? like i said, last time sigs got outta hand, we got our privelages taken away and werent allowed any pics in sigs at all. i might be a bitch, but im just looking out for everyone.


you know what, i changed my mind. i dont care.

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if you use firefox and type about:config in the browser then

look for browser.tabs.showSingleWindowModePrefs double click it to toggle it to "true"

next look for network.http.pipelining double click that so it toggles to "true"

then look for network.http.pipelining.maxrequests double click that and change the 4 to 100. close firefox and open it back up and you should see an increase in speed.

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if you use firefox and type about:config in the browser then

look for browser.tabs.showSingleWindowModePrefs double click it to toggle it to "true"

next look for network.http.pipelining double click that so it toggles to "true"

then look for network.http.pipelining.maxrequests double click that and change the 4 to 100.  close firefox and open it back up and you should see an increase in speed.



There you go....


your poor little $2k computer needs fixin to run right. LOL What all you got in that thing for $2k? Build it yourself or get it from some poo-head manufacturer?

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There you go.... 


your poor little $2k computer needs fixin to run right.  LOL  What all you got in that thing for $2k?  Build it yourself or get it from some poo-head manufacturer?




let me guess. youre a computer science major and think youre god cause you can build a computer all by yourself. i know the type. they snub their noses at people who pay money for a real computer, while they put their superior computer knowledge to good use by gaming and surfing the net for stupid animated gifs hosted on shitty sites that can barely handle their own traffic, thus bogging down download times on every site their stupid gifs are hotlinked on.


"o hell yea, look at me, i paid only $200 for a bunch of random computer parts and this kickass tower im gonna pimp out by painting flames on it. i have a killer graphics card to run all my awesome fantasy games, and more ram than is ever actually needed, but i have too much of an ego and am too dim to know that. im so glad i got this computer science degree, it doesnt matter that by the time i graduate everything i learned will be obsolete, cause all im gonna use it for is to build a killer gaming pc from scratch, and charge computer retards $20/hr to instal quicken!"


they dont freeze my computer or even my browser, they are just annoying, and inconvenient when im surfing in a hurry and your stupid gifs have to load before the actual real photos posted in the thread can load, or better yet, the stupid slow loading gifs cause the other host sites of the real pics to timeout and i cant see them at all without going through and loading each pic individually.


i have almost ten grand worth of computer equiptment in my home office, and trust me, its not used for gaming, and it blows whatever you have out of the water.

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wesw`s pics in sig are starting to piss me off now to, its starting to slow my computer right down when im goign through posts.


no offence or anything but is there a way you could take a few out??? not all, just a few? please.

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someone will complain and we will all have to take them down like before.we were ask to remove them or they would be removed for us.i still can`t believe people still use dial up.you have no idea what you are missing.

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let me guess. youre a computer science major and think youre god cause you can build a computer all by yourself.  i know the type. they snub their noses at people who pay money for a real computer, while they put their superior computer knowledge to good use by gaming and surfing the net for stupid animated gifs hosted on shitty sites that can barely handle their own traffic, thus bogging down download times on every site their stupid gifs are hotlinked on.


"o hell yea, look at me, i paid only $200 for a bunch of random computer parts and this kickass tower im gonna pimp out by painting flames on it. i have a killer graphics card to run all my awesome fantasy games, and more ram than is ever actually needed, but i have too much of an ego and am too dim to know that. im so glad i got this computer science degree, it doesnt matter that by the time i graduate everything i learned will be obsolete, cause all im gonna use it for is to build a killer gaming pc from scratch, and charge computer retards $20/hr to instal quicken!" 


they dont freeze my computer or even my browser, they are just annoying, and inconvenient when im surfing in a hurry and your stupid gifs have to load before the actual real photos posted in the thread can load, or better yet, the stupid slow loading gifs cause the other host sites of the real pics to timeout and i cant see them at all without going through and loading each pic individually. 


i have almost ten grand worth of computer equiptment in my home office, and trust me, its not used for gaming, and it blows whatever you have out of the water.



Jesus christ you have some issues you need to work out. I think being caged up in your fancy little "home office" is getting to you. Take a freaking coffee break girl.


I don't play fantasy games or any of that other shit. I don't really care what kinda computers you have in your fancy office, because I know mine is top notch, and I don't need to sit around comparing computer parts with some freak girl online who has issues. Any little thing sets you off and you blow up. I think it's pretty funny. You sit around on the internet talking to strange people all day and it's making you strange.


they dont freeze my computer or even my browser


those crappy host sites they are on will freeze any browser eventually.




oh.... and it's not a computer science degree, it's a computer engineering degree. Totally different fields. I have nothing to do with the little programming nerds who live in C++ land. My field is related to theirs, but I don't dabble in the mysitcal programming arts. I am also working on my degree in Architectural Engineering which will be what I eventually go find a job in, and the only thing I will do with computers there is use AutoCAD. :cheers:

Edited by BigRed350x
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