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makes one think about stuff


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im not into conspiracy(spelling) theories. but there are some stuff you just have to wonder.


i got this from bansheefreak, so before the ol might supporters start attacking me for this, i didnt search for it.



its about an hr long, makes you wonder

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i got this from bansheefreak, so before the ol might supporters start attacking me for this, i didnt search for it.

its about an hr long,  makes you wonder


just cus you got it from me doesn't mean i believe this shit... i'm no liberal.. it was like fishing i threw it out there you took the bait...

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No one will ever know what happened for sure, but that video kinda makes ya think about it..


i totally agree, i dont believe everything on there but some shit you have to wonder.




i say time to call MYTHBUSTERS!!!

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i've seen this before and i'm watching it again....


...i'm not sure wat to think. they say that landing on the moon was a conspiracy as well. these videos do make u think, but again, there are so many unknowns...anyone can "fill those gaps".


still, i take these things to heart...i dont really know wat to believe :confused:

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another conspiracy theory that doesnt come close to passing the straight face test. but its great fodder for all you bush haters.  hate on haters.  :wacko:




brooke you should open your eye just for a sec and think hmm HOLY SHIT.

something just doesnt make sense here.

take it for what you want but some of the stuff you have to go. do what.


that 16 ft wide hole, but no wing damage.

too many things that dont add up.



im not here bashing bush, that idiot is doing it himself.

this port thing, cheney shooting someone, delay, libby, and your still mad that clinton got a blow job.


im mad too, he should be having his dick sucked by way finer chicks than that. imo



bash on

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im not here bashing bush,  that idiot is doing it himself.

this port thing, cheney shooting someone, delay, libby, and your still mad that clinton got a blow job.


im mad too, he should be having his dick sucked by way finer chicks than that.  imo

bash on



Typical Democrat. You just don't get it. Everything is not a conspiracy. Get your magnifying glass out and keep studying video.

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I haven't checked this video out b/c I only get dialup whe I'm home on the weekends but.... anyway... I try to stay out of these political threads b/c I get on here to chill not piss into the wind by arguing on the internet... Personally i'm nor democrat or republican b/c as of right now 95% of the people in politics have there head so far up the ol rectum need a glass stomach to see.... I don't believe in all the conspiracy theory hype but after you get through the smoke and mirrors that the media sets up theres some shit that just don't meet up....




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Anyone know how hot a forge gets with a mere propane source and some insulation? Definitly hot enough to melt steel, easily.These guys were trying to compare fire in building minus jet fuel and make this comparison. Do people think what would happen to the ground floor of the WTC buildings when such a side force or impact happens near the top? Think about it! As for the other explosions, what about all the internal transformers and fuel tanks. As the building is collapsing, wouldn't it act like a plunger, transfering pressures to lower floor as the top is coming down? Don't these hot gasses need to escape? Looks like explosion yes, but seems to me these pressures need to vent somewhere. no?


On a side note, most planes that crash are trying to be landed safely with a controlled decent. These planes were crashed with engines at full throttle. The only time you see this type of evidence in a crash is when a plane runs into the side of a mountain at full speed. The planes totally desentigrate and practically disappear. So no, it's not what most people expect with a crash because this is not usually how it happens. That hole in the ground in Pa looked about the same size as the hole in the pentagon. Just think of the video of the fighter test plane running into the concrete reiforced wall. Where did it go? dissapeared didn't it. Becuase it was flying at full speed, boom gone! You can take those enitire planes and compact them down into the size of small bus at the speeds they crashed at. Add the affect of full engine speed, rapid drop from high altitude, and you have a flying missile. I'm sure most people were not use to hearing planes fly at these speeds, as most never hit the speeds these planes were flying at. So I would think they would sound different as well. Just tsome things to ponder. :shrugani:

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Alot will dismiss the obvioius facts,will explain away some,but cant answer what they really saw.I saw this video around Christmas time,tried to get a copy to post here just to hear response.Foxnews said it was properganda without explaining shit-You ever hear of ( Its all for a greater Cause) except your too low on the todem pole to know anything-What does it take for some to say Hey wait a minute,something aint right :ph34r: Ther is documented footage by major news groups who didnt know what they wre filming until they starteds putting this stuff together.They played with our emotions,but never told the true facts and wont----dont worry GOD always reveals the truth-be ready to except it--its not about dem and repubs its about the Human race :notworthy::notworthy:

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