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Wider rear axle

AZ Olie

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Well that SUCK's banghead I guess that the money I spent is a waste... :flush: I would think that this mod has to be better then stock, but who know's... :confused:


I'm just sick of flying threw the Dune's and riding on 2 wheels and having to kick the ground before I go over turning turtle and laying on my back... :shrugani: ]


I just wanted to have a real stable set-up for going like a bat out of HELL... :evil:


I'll do a post in product reveiw's and let everyone know if it rock's :headbang: or if it suck's :cry:



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I have no doubt it'll be awesome 90% of the time. Its just a question of how scary that other 10% is. You don't have to go LT to get a super plush ride. Standard length shocks from TCS, Axis, Pep and a couple others will let you fly over anything.

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