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Bush Whacked


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Please keep in mind that these are not the only ports in the U.S.. China and many other countries governments run ports in the U.S. currently as well. I am not saying that we should completely go full speed ahead with the UAE. I think we need to really think it through and consider every angle before making such a big decision. I just am not that quick to blame Bush for everything that has happend, ie: hurricane katrina, 9-11 and outsourcing services.

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Here is the source of my ambivalence. What exactly is the principle which the Administration has violated here? Are we supposed to be assuming that anything or anyone connected to the Middle East is more likely to pose a threat of terrorism than those who aren't connected to the Middle East, and thereby avoid anything related to the Middle East when it comes to sensitive contracts? Or is the concern specific to this Middle Eastern country -- that we ought to be assuming that anyone with connections to the UAE poses a greater threat of terrorism than those who don't have such connections? Isn't that the sort of profiling that most people have agreed is improper? These are real questions, not rhetorical ones.

And for those of you drooling with anticipation over the potential this issue has for doing some serious political damage, with almost all Republicans lined up with Democrats, who is this really going to hurt? After accusing Bush for several years of engaging in unnecessary violence and excessive aggression against Arab countries and individual terrorist suspects, is the idea now to accuse him of failing to sufficiently appreciate the terrorist threat posed by Arabs, or that he is too considerate of notions of political correctness at the expense of worrying about our security?


I'm open to being convinced one way or the other on this issue. I just can't say that I'm that scandalized or excited yet

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i still dont see how this whole sale to dubai is bush's fault. can someone explain that to me? something like 30% of our ports have been managed by foreign countries for some time now. its nothing new. and bush had nothing to do with selling these 6 to dubai, remember? it was the british company who owned them previously. so how is bush profiting from this transaction? i totally get that bush has good reason to want to stay on good terms with dubai. we have military bases there, and a big cia base there i believe, we are in a great spot there to keep an eye on everything in the arab world. this doesnt make bush an evil monster, or some capitalist meanie, putting his own motives ahead of our national security. to the contrary. hes looking out for us, our interests as a nation etc. having dubai signing paychecks and unloading cargo at our ports isnt a security risk, we are still in charge of security there, americans are still filling the work force there, they cant fire everyone and hire a bunch of people from the UAE, they cant circumvent current security measures, what exactly do you think is going to happen??


i really have no problem taking back our ports and having them all run by the US if there are companies here who want to do it. but i am definately against this racist type of descrimination, flying off the handle before getting all the information just cause you see an opportunity to bash the current administration. and how is it that there was a big uproar when we went after the bad guys, and now theres a big uproar when we DONT go after the good ones??


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CBS Slants Bush Poll in Favor of Democrats

Posted by Greg Sheffield on February 28, 2006 - 08:57.

In its classic "fair and balanced" tradition, CBS slanted in favor of Democrats its poll that found Bush has a 34 percent approval rating and a 59 percent disapproval rating, an all-time high for a CBS poll.


On the bottom of the PDF version of the poll (page 18) it says how many Democrats versus Republicans were contacted.


"Total Republicans" contacted: 272 unweighted and 289 weighted.


"Total Democrats" contacted: 409 unweighted and 381 weighted.


"Total Independents" contacted: 337 unweighted and 348 weighted.


Brent Baker also noted how CBS failed to highlight a key portion of its poll on the Feb. 27 "CBS Evening News." 66 percent of respondents thought the media devoted "too much time" to Cheney's hunting accident.


UPDATE 12:31. The Pew Research Center for the People and the Press has a helpful table in this report (page 13) on what percentage of Americans consider themselves to be Republican or Democrat. It shows that in both 2004 and 2005, 30% said they were Republican compared to 33% who said they were Democrats. The new CBS poll (even after being weighted) had a population of only 28% Republicans to 37% Democrats.

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:shrugani: Out of everything that you mentioned none of it is unique to the Bush administration. I never said ratings don't mean anything I simply stated that ratings flecutate with every president. I do support Bush and if you do not then you are the minority because if I remember right Bush won the election. Or maybe your opinion is just changing like the wind.



nevermind my last few posts toys , seems id probably need to use finger puppets for yo u to understand . its going right over your head . my opinion never changed on him btw , your the dummy that voted him in ,not me :D jus t because he was voted by 51% doesnt mean america still approves of him and they clearly dont ,im not saying everything is his faulty and i know Kerry certainly wouldnt have been our knight in shining armor either(too bad Ted nuggent didnt run). and yes brooke , it is not bushes fault on the ports deal nor is it directly his fault for the huge american job losses to slave labor countrys BUT as the ultiamte public servant he represents our countrys best interests,economy, security and our american way of life i n general .if not , what the fuck is his job title then ?also the idea that a percentage of ports are foreigned owned i nthe past means nothing because our christian allies the brits, pose no threat . :unsure:

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Thats your problem rocketBOY you are still playing with puppets. The Chinese are not Christian and are rarely our allies on issues. Yet they CURRENTLY own and manage ports in the U.S.. Do you understand this is not in the past. I know this may come as a shock to you. But as you do some research prepared to be shocked. And as for me being the dummy that voted for him, keep in mind that you are the minority.

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Thats your problem rocketBOY you are still playing with puppets. The Chinese are not Christian and are rarely our allies on issues. Yet they CURRENTLY own and manage ports in the U.S.. Do you understand this is not in the past. I know this may come as a shock to you. But as you do some research prepared to be shocked. And as for me being the dummy that voted for him, keep in mind that you are the minority jackass.



look at the percentage of ownership i nthe past ,now you guys say the polls are fake...mmmmm ,how did i know that was coming ?truth sucks doesnt it ?so now you resort to name calling toys ?.. that will surely get your point across wont it ? im 28 btw and your acting like your 14 :dance::cry:

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I guess you don't read your own posts. You piped up with the dummy comment first. My little neighbor kids run around calling each other dummies. This is just like you. Throw the first stone and then bitch when someone hits with one of their own. You must have voted for Kerry you are on both sides of the fence. Who said the polls were fake?

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I guess you don't read your own posts. You piped up with the dummy comment first. My little neighbor kids run around calling each other dummies. This is just like you. Throw the first stone and then bitch when someone hits with one of their own. You must have voted for Kerry you are on both sides of the fence.



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Maybe we can all agree that others are going to have a different point of view on this topic and stop bashing each other :cheers: (myself included). We all come to this site because it has alot of information on a topic that we all love. I have met alot of friends on this site and I am not a big fan of creating enemies based upon their beliefs.

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its impossible to have a discussion about any issue when the other side just repeats itself over and over no matter what the topic at hand. bush is evil, bush is money hungry, bush is a liar, bush has a low approval rating. blah blah. id like to actually have some real solid information from the other side. im open to learning more about the subject and more about another point of view but its all baseless ramblings so far. no one seems to actually read anyones posts and give any feedback.

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