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Bush Whacked


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there have been links to al-quaida network in UAE , only makes sense americans should be concerned about our national security IMO, gee dubyah needs to man up for once and take a stand FOR us instead of having dollar signs in his eyes as usual .sad that big companies$$$$ control america and most of them are foreign my.02 :confused::cry:

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You really need to be thanking the lord that "stupid" isnt painful there BigWill...

if youre gonna post something like that you really should have some remote understanding of what you are talking about... (ie. rocketboy)

Its ok though , I know you got excited when you saw the story and thought you had something... thats why the nanny isnt supposed to have CNN on in the nursery :confused:

before you guys bitch more about port security and bombs in containers.... get some facts , and put it in perspective , less than 5% of the containers get inspected and you have a shit fit but semi loads of illegal drugs / immigrants flow in TOTALLY UNCHECKED into this country from our northern and southern borders and not a peep from you ????

maybe if you start a "guest terrorist" program they wont bring any bombs in on those trucks... ya think?

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bigwill. one minor fact problem with your post. it wasnt bush or even the us who sold the leases, it was the british company who owned them previously who sold them to the UAE company. they are basically the port managers, they dont control security, they dont change the employees, nothing. the us coast guard and us customms are still in control of security, and the dock workers still have to be hired from local unions. etc etc.

and remember, the UAE have been our allies in the middle east, especially since 9-11. and they have the money and skill to make the big purchases of new security machinery etc that our ports need. a roughly 2 billion dollar upgrade.


if it wasnt sold to the UAE, china was the next country in line to purchase them. this is nothing new. roughly 30% of our us ports are managed by other countries.



can i get wesw reply to this????

After doing some review on this I don't see any problem with it either. The top 4 port managing companies are Hong Kong, Denmark, Singapore and then Dubai. If Anybody wants to use Dubai as a path for terrorism then they will put it in elsewhere and since only 5% of the boxes are checked they don't need any help on this end of the situation. This company is only in charge of loading and unloading ships that's not a big deal.  Do we still allow airplanes to land from the UAE? (not sure if there are any direct flights, we usually route through Amsterdam) Nobody had any problems when we sold 80 F16 fighter jets to them.


I think it's funny how one second some people claim we don't have any enemies over there and praise Saddam and then the next minute they try to block a sale of a foreign owned business to another foreign owned business.




i like how they cry out against racial profiling and 'making enemies in the middle east' etc etc and now suddenly theres an outcry, and they want the president to step in and stop a sale from one allied country to another.  dont tap the phone of someone making international calls to known terror cells, but hey, lets damn an entire country and all companies within it  from buying leases from a company from another country. 



anything to bash the president. just makes em look ignorant.


wesw whats your response???? :jesterlaugh:

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The two party system we call democracy is corrupt at the higher echelons of the hierarchy imo. The real international news story that is conveniently pushed aside in exchange for calculated spin and distraction is a little thing called "globalization". A new world order, as Bush's daddy called it. Does anybody want to discuss what the pro's and con's of globalization means for America?

How about all of the information and implications related to Skull and Bones and the other secret and semi-secret policy shaping councils related to high level masonry, which is not an American institution in origin or agenda? These high level secret society members have all bought into the lies of thier father, the father of lies, that promises money and power to those who are blind to the truth and agree to perpetrate the lie...imo.

Oh well, I'm having fun in the sun, no gun and I don't run.

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As I remove my foot out of my mouth-lets look at it this way-Everything that happened to us was no secrete-we were warned about 911-no need to explain-there were alot who knew not to go to work that day-weapons of mass-destruction-false oil shortages scares-Enron-CIA loses a few tons of cocain in LA-Fox news is straight whitehouse agenda-they are good tho-Haliburton-Bin Laden still running thangs-we are in major debt-including ME-Armed forces under supplied-God Bless them-the war is right-the reason is what confuses me-I see good and bad on both sides-Im just a average joe living my version of the American dream-even worse one of my banshees is down-I got a 16yr old daughter that thinks she got all the answers-----ha-thats whats really pissing me off _____________________ BrookE :notworthy: Banshee04le you need to preach on-that masonary thing and the skull and bones stuff is the hot shit-need sources of info

Edited by bigwill
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there have been links to al-quaida network in UAE , only makes sense  americans should be  concerned  about  our national security IMO, gee dubyah  needs to man up for once and take a stand FOR us instead of having dollar signs in his eyes  as usual .sad that big companies$$$$  control america and most of them are foreign my.02 :confused:  :cry:


there have been links to al-quada in the us too, they are everywhere. fact is, the UAE has cleaned up their shit big time since 9-11, especially in the area of money linked to terrorism going through their banks, as have the us, and many other countries since 9-11.

and how do you figure the president has dollar signs in his eyes about this? it was a british company who sold their assets to the UAE. :confused:

be rational, stop spitting out the usual tired old ramblings and rants about the president being a big scary evil capitolist, etc etc. just doesnt apply to every situation.


bigwill, no hard feelings.

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there have been links to al-quada in the us too, they are everywhere. fact is, the UAE has cleaned up their shit big time since 9-11


well lets throw them a party they have fewer radical muslims there :blink:

so what if yo u heard they have cleaned up there act :huh: shepard smith told yo u this i assume ?would yo u be wiliing to be dropped off and hang out in the cool UAE cities all alone then ?


and how do you figure the president has dollar signs in his eyes about this? it was a british company who sold their assets to the UAE. :confused:


never said the dollars i n his eyes were directly related to this transaction did I?although i wouldnt be surprised if there was some secret money being exchanged at high levels .


be rational, stop spitting out the usual tired old ramblings and rants about the president


truth kinda sucks doesnt it ?

i wil when G.W remembers america and puts us first(and our national security/economy ) instead of trying to push democracy's on these idiot death-loving muslim countrys who hate us .and actually brings our troops home FINALLY



being a big scary evil capitolist, etc etc. just doesnt apply to every situation.


capitalism is great and free enterprise is awesome,makes america work ,wont do much good in 10 years when China owns our asses though will it ?




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forgive me rocketboy for not going point to point with you, im mentally and physically exhausted, recovering from pnemonia. once i get better i will do my best to get caught up.


for now id just like to point out that we have several members here from the UAE, id be curious to get their input on this, and curious if you feel the same way towards them as individuals.





your quotes arent showing up right because the end quote tag for each should be

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would yo u be wiliing to be dropped off and hang out in the cool UAE cities all alone then ?


Actually one of the guys that I work with was just there last fall and he is considering taking his wife on vacation there. If I were you I wouldn't judge a place simply because of the pictures you have seen on CNN.

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18% of the population of the UAE are millionaires, and a huge portion of the rest are pretty well-off as well. The UAE government provides everything to the people; Health Care, College Tuition, etc. Not exactly fertile breeding ground for recruiting disgruntled ragheads to strap C-4 to their backs.


Besides, if real terrorists want to get to the U.S., they'll simply fly into Juarez, Mexico and walk across the border. They can pick up their guide books and maps at the local Chamber of Commerce office. The friendly representatives of the Mexican Government will probably supply Camelbacks full of Gatorade and Powerbars to make their trip more comfortable. As soon as they get to California, they'll be welcomed at the nearest Hospital Emergency Room where they can get free medical treatment for any scrapes or scratches they may have received while climbing the fence. Oh, that's right, THERE IS NO GODDAMNED FENCE!


Anyybody overly concerned about a legitimate business transaction by a company based in the UAE is looking in wrong freakin' direction!

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The state of our nation's economy is very frightening. As Health care costs continue to rise, benefits are getting cut left and right. We have incurred trade deficit that is through the roof, 2005 saw about 780 billion. 60% of our Gross Domestic Product (which is our total ourput) is related to services. Globalization is slowly taking away our manufacturing base, at the expense of exploiting some other poor nation. Our country keeps spending millions of dollars trying to help Iraq rebuild. Finally, your average American has tacked on north of $9k worth of credit card debt. But keep in mind everyone, our economy is on the upswing! These are tough to sugarcoat. Time to cut spending big time, and try to pay off some outstanding debt!


It's well known that government/politicians are one of the most corrupt groups. Its time to get people out of congress, out of the senate, and out of the court system. We need people that are up to date on things and that won't waste weeks debating small petty issues. This nation is in some serious problems, someone has to step up to the plate before it spells disaster.

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The state of our nation's economy is very frightening. As Health care costs continue to rise, benefits are getting cut left and right. We have incurred trade deficit that is through the roof, 2005 saw about 780 billion. 60% of our Gross Domestic Product (which is our total ourput) is related to services. Globalization is slowly taking away our manufacturing base, at the expense of exploiting some other poor nation. Our country keeps spending millions of dollars trying to help Iraq rebuild. Finally, your average American  has tacked on north of $9k worth of credit card debt. But keep in mind everyone, our economy is on the upswing! These are tough to sugarcoat. Time to cut spending big time, and try to pay off some outstanding debt!


It's well known that government/politicians are one of the most corrupt groups. Its time to get people out of congress, out of the senate, and out of the court system. We need people that are up to date on things and that won't waste weeks debating small petty issues. This nation is in some serious problems, someone has to step up to the plate before it spells disaster.



First health care shouldn

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