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Maybe a Job


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Got an interview tomarrow at 1:00 for a powerplant. My chances are good becouse my fiends mom is the one that talks to the superviser about hire'n people.. If I get the job I can finally get my shee back together. I'll be so happy :D .. Been so long I think I forgot how to ride...naa.... im going to rip shit up all day tho if i get the job and put it all back together. Hope I can remmeber how it all goes back together.. I got one or two things I dont really know were it goes, like a washer.. fell out clutch cover and a little rod like thing that I think goes to the shift star.. theres a hole kinda in the middle of the star and it fits.? but all and all things are starting to look better..

Edited by 99Banshee
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The thing you gotta remember about the job interveiw is to make him scared of you. You've got to be AGGRESSIVE! Make him think that if he doesn't hire you, you'll do something real bad to him. Then you're practically hired on the spot.....or thrown in jail, one of the two. If you need advice about being in jail, I've got you covered on that too, just pm me (before your in jail).

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firm handshake, dont be a pussy. make sure to ask questions, dont let him think you just sit back and do whatever you are told. look him or her square in the face. dont look down, especially when respinding to a question. if you have to think about something for more than 5 seconds chances are he will doubt your ability to think quickly. be prepared. run over questions he might ask. make sure you have answers to those questions. go in with a good attitude but dont act overly friendly. let him know you are serious about getting this job. show him how you will be an asset to the company. after all, you are there to help them make more money. follow these simple quidelines and youll be fine...

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firm handshake, dont be a pussy. make sure to ask questions, dont let him think you just sit back and do whatever you are told. look him or her square in the face. dont look down, especially when respinding to a question. if you have to think about something for more than 5 seconds chances are he will doubt your ability to think quickly. be prepared. run over questions he might ask. make sure you have answers to those questions. go in with a good attitude but dont act overly friendly. let him know you are serious about getting this job. show him how you will be an asset to the company. after all, you are there to help them make more money. follow these simple quidelines and youll be fine...


I didn't know Donald Trumph was hooked to shees :lol: ..

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Thanks for the luck and tips guys.. I know you need to look the person in the eye at all time's ( easy ) and to have a nice not overly powerd handshake ( easy )and to also dress to impress ( easy ).. I went to a collage class for filling out app's and interviews.. think thats what helped me get my last time... I'll let you guys know how it goes.. after I get a call.. I got this

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Interview went great.. she said I should be getting a call eather this Friday or this commin Monday..



Damn... Waiting on phone calls is the worst...


Tyler, If everybody did business that way the world would be a better place... the problem is there's people that have a firm handshake and will look you right in the eye while shittin in your tool box...




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