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George W. Bush


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What exactly did Clinton do that you want him back so badly?


I submit that you are from the Liberal State of California, and you sir, are truely the worthless one.




he set a new standard by getting some felatio in the oval office :headbang:

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so ur calling california worthless? without california this countries economy would be shit. have you heard heard some of the shit bush has said(not what his advisors wrote for him) it sounds like his iq is lower 70. has anyone see fahrenheit 9/11 that is a perfect example of why we don't need him. ignoreing a warning from his advisor that there will be an attack on america and not takeing any action. clinton would have never let that happen if he could have prevented it. if we still had clinton we would not have a war in iraq and loseing soliders lives.

Edited by DaFish
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has anyone see fahrenheit 9/11 that is a perfect example of why we don't need him. ignoreing a warning from his advisor that there will be an attack on america and not takeing any action. clinton would have never let that happen if he could have prevented it. if we still had clinton we would have a war in iraq and loseing  soliders lives.


OMG you did NOT point to farenheit 9/11 as evidence of anythiing did you???!!!

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :rotflmao: that automatically makes anything you say meaningless bahahahahaha

ok ok sorry. here is some reading for you on 59 deceits in F9/11.



i know its a lot of reading but it will save you from future embarassment, i promise. :rotflmao:


heres an exerpt pertaining to bush 'ignoring' a warning, or really what moore said, not reading it at all. this is the briefing he was referring to:

    We have not been able to corroborate some of the more sensational threat reporting, such as that from a [deleted text] service in 1998 saying that Bin Laden wanted to hijack a U.S. aircraft to gain the release of "Blind Shaykh"
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Whats scary is people like Dafish(dems in general) breed and spred there bull shit beliefs on impresionable people. F 911 is a great example of the ignorance of the "far left" Try watching FAHRENHYPE 911, interesting movie that shows and tells the truth about the lies of the movie you base your belifes on. Its funny how you say he should have done something when he was warned of the "possible attacks". You know how F-in scared the american public would be if he responded to EVERY threat... On top of that you asses wanna take away a tool(wire taps) cuz you think uncle sam is wanting to listen to your gay talk with your boy toy. :shootself: Make up your mind! You want him to protect the country or want him to respect your "rights". Wake up and find some commen sense ;)


Screamin_Demon :notworthy:




EDIT: Oh and wasn't Cali suposed to fall off into the ocean a long ass time ago??? :shrugani: Sucks how sceince is wrong sometimes :cry:

Edited by RIPPEN
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clinton would have never let that happen if he could have prevented it. if we still had clinton we would have a war in iraq and loseing  soliders lives.




cant we just picture Billy boy there standing in front of the smoldering trade center on 9-12 ,tear in his eye, biting his lip , clenched thumb in the air...." I would never have let this happen If i knew... but now we must look at ourselves and think about what we did to provoke these patriotic freedom fighters"


get a clue man! :shootself: but since youre fond of the movies done in the spirit of a documentary... rent blackhawk down and see what Clinton is really responsible for.

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http://www.foldmoney.com/5.htm u folks have probly seen this or atleast heard of it probly bullshit that sum guy thought of when he was stoned and realy bored but i just felt like adding to this thread kinda makes u think weird how it goes in order from the 5 to 100 :shrugani:






GOD A HATE POLITCS but hey cant live with em cant live without em

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California doesn't do as much as you think.

bullshit cali dosen't have a big economical inpact, we have 3 of the biggest ports in the country. and what does the gay population have 2 do with anything? and brooke your telling me bush couldn't have done anything in a month thats bullshit he could of atleast done something. he could have at least beefed up our national security, and covertly at that, as to not arouse too much public attention. osamas brother is in the oil business with bush. and bush and his dad are all buddy buddy with alot of the head guys over in the middle east. so how do you justify that bullshit?
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and brooke your telling me bush couldn't have done anything in a month thats bullshit he could of atleast done something.  he could have at least beefed up our national security, and covertly at that, as to not arouse too much public attention.  osamas brother is in the oil business with bush. and bush and his dad are all buddy buddy with alot of the head guys over in the middle east.  so how do you justify that bullshit?




doofus. thats the second time u embarassed yourself, read it before you post again. we dont need another idiot re-spewing the F9/11 movie.

if you arent willing to make the effort to educate yourself, please spare us the ramblings of an ignorant fool.



and how would beefing up national security have helped?? they were all here by then.


god damn i hate dumb people. banghead

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beefin up airport security and not lettin people on and airplane with box cutters and you call me fuckin dumb





why didnt bush look into the future and see that a bunch of terrorists were gonna take over some planes with box cutters???!!! if he had they all would have thrown their hands in the air, turned away and given up on the whole plan. i bet they all would have cleaned up their act too, started being good boys and like save the rainforest or something. GOD DAMMIT, IF BUSH HAD JUST TAKEN AWAY OUR BOXCUTTERS THE RAINFOREST WOULD STILL BE ALIVE TODAY AND I BET THE HURRICANE WOULD NEVER HAVE HAPPENED AND WE COULD ALL DANCE AND CIRCLE JERK IN THE RAINFOREST OR NEW ORLEANS!!!!!!!



how old are you?? i pray you can blame your ignorance on age and not just being a member of the democratic party.

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im 18 and its not takin away box cutter its all around airport security don't let people walk on to planes with sharp objects which even in your own post said that terrorist were going to hijack planes and aim them at federal building in new your no don't you think he could have done something with airport security in a month?

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im 18 and its not takin away box cutter its all around airport security don't let people walk on to planes with sharp objects which even in your own post said that terrorist were going to hijack planes and aim them at federal building in new your no don't you think he could have done something with airport security in a month?


do you have a hard time with reading comprehension??

We have not been able to corroborate some of the more sensational threat reporting, such as that from a [deleted text] service in 1998 saying that Bin Laden wanted to hijack a U.S. aircraft to gain the release of "Blind Shaykh"
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das right huh brook wit da way things are in da airport i could jus walk in der wit a suitcase ful of acid and jus trow it at peepoles! are airport security is a jok man it suks an was wors is that now bush is playin to da public and makin da airport peepole do a bunch of chit dat doesnt efen work i meanyou cood still hijak a plane if yoo wanted 2 ya know? oh you bring any splosives witchoo sir "yes i mean no" LOL!!!


an you say da fish is dumb pleaz gurl

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