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Heres one for ya !


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this fall me & buddie were out at a gravel pit we all ride at (6 mile brook) and down back away from the face of the hill climb we were down back in the sand pit (about as big as 2 foot ball fields) ... theres a mound of sand in the middle so we made a nice 30' table top out of it... now there was about i duno, say about 10-15 ppl riding around on every different kind of bike me of couse having the banshee, my buddie had his KX125 pretty good on it but stupid as a stump when ya try to tell him something ... so we all had an agreement that on the back side u'd take it easy around there, where everone was going back around to line up the jump ... kinda like in an oval so right after u came off the jump and u were going to hit it again u'd trun to the left & go back down the side. ok half of us were out rippin around and i was out hittin the jump my buddie was just out rippin around to (theres a few other hills to play around on to at the ends & sides) and i hit the jump a few times and the one time i didn't look behind me (AS I ALWAYS DO BUT THIS TIME I DIDN'T & DON'T ASK WHY JUST TO CONFIDENT) my buddie came from One End Right To The Other On His Back Wheel .. he said he was in 4th just set er down from a wheelie on the inside of me & i was just turing to line up the jump again and then all i remeber is flying off the bike & landing ... he said he didn't even have time to say FUCK ... & BOOM right into the side of me .. T-BONE'D ME .... doing about 80kmh ... we landed about 40' from the bikes. his bike sit perfectly right into where it cruched my nerf-bar & I'M DAM LUCKY I HAD THEM or else i'm sure i wouldn't we walkin around with my left leg casue i would have one. thats pretty much the only thing that got damaged except for a minor ding in my PC pipe on the left side but other then that nohtin but he only had 6 spokes left in his rim. he broke his elbow & still (4 months later) can't extend his arm out fully from the elbow yet he had 3 surguries and all i had was a stiff shoulder & elbow,& chunk of skin out of my leg.


the wierd thing is 15 minutes before it happend i broke a bolt in my nerf-bar on my left side & went back to the truck and was just gona take them off but i decided i was still gona be jumpin so i put another bolt in it and glad i did.


i know one thing tho them nerf-bars are some strong u wouldn't think it but man they withstood a PILE of pressure that day and mangled one but still.

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