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Is it time for new rings?


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REbuilt top end last year and had 160 psi in both cylinders. Now i have 145 in left and 150 on the right. Is that the cause of hard to start when cold(20 kicks). Is that a big enough drop in compression to put new rings in it. 19cc domes, v-force reeds, single carb at 200-500 above sea level. Once started the shee runs great. Just curious if its ring time?? Thanks

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I think your rings are ok...

As RN said, you'll probably need to compensate for the cold by one or more of the following:


Pilot jet and/or air screw mixture for idle and better starting, and...if you haven't richened up your mains for the colder weather, you're probably sitting on a gernade waiting to happen.


A properly tuned and jetted shee should kickstart in 2 to 3 kicks just about every time...regardless of temp.

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REbuilt top end last year and had 160 psi in both cylinders.  Now i have 145 in left and 150 on the right.  Is that the cause of hard to start when cold(20 kicks).  Is that a big enough drop in compression to put new rings in it.  19cc domes, v-force reeds, single carb at 200-500 above sea level.  Once started the shee runs great. Just curious if its ring time??  Thanks


I have 19cc domes and 185 psi at about 1000ft, hard to start cold could be to small of a pilot jet. you should have more cylinder pressure with those domes
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Thanks for all the replys--I will try a bigger pilot jet tommorow. I remember putting in a smaller pilot jet 2 years ago in the spring but have never really ridden it in the winter since then(was down all last winter). I did up the main jet one size just to be on the safe side when it got to about 40 degrees or lower.


Sucks having your 4 stroke buddies saying does your foot hurt yet-----I think i am going to disconnect their batteries next time before we ride :D


thanks again

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Just a word of advice...I know you have a single carb setup...but on the factory twin mikunis, it's normal to go 2 to 4 sizes richer on the main for winter riding...one size main might not be enough.


Just give those four strokers a whitewash courtesey the business end of your banshee, that usually shuts 'em up.




Here's the link to Dave Noss's site, about his head and APPROXIMATE cylinder PSI, again...based on fresh bore, etc.

You seem to be a little low...but not low enough to start as bad as you're claiming.

I firmly believe overall jetting is your prob!!



Edited by dajogejr
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I up'd the size pilot jet one size (48) and that did it--5kicks cold and shee started. I will have to remember this next year if i switch pilots.I have always run a 175 in summer and 178 main in winter months with no problems for 4 years now. My bike doesnt fairwell to bigger mains.I will keep an eye on the compression-maybe tester is off a little i have? Thanks for all your replys--

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