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The TruthAbout Lightened Flywheel!


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I did find the lightened flywheel was great when I was flying around in my favorite sand pit.I'm 185lbs and the revs climbed well in the loose stuff.

    If you want a good lightened flywheel PM BDBanshee.His first name is Ron.


Aren't Rons the fly wheels that have the slots in the front?

Those are fuckin sick looking.


I'm tempted to send him mine so he can re work it. The guy that did mine did an okay job, and it does its intended purpose, but fuck is it ugly. No see through stator cover for me yet.

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a lightend flywheel is such a kick ass mod ,and as long as your on the pipe(and what banshee owner isnt?) it is all advantage ,it will definitly get yo u from point a to point b faster .i mod she wheels that are only 32oz versus the standard 40 ounces like 99% of peeps make,its safe and mine revs like a PVL ,i agree rons look good . i machine mine different .

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youre going to rev much faster but as soon as you let off the gas the rpms are going to fall quicker than usual. its like an offset. you get into the powerband quicker but then when you get off the gas it falls out quick too. you just have to learn to use the clutch more.

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Like iceman said, because the flywheel has less mass after being lightened, it will build rpm quicker because the engine does not have to overcome as much resistance to build rpm. However, the flywheel also serves to maintain rotation (rpm), so with less mass on the flywheel, the resistance to rotation will have a more drastic slowing effect on rpm. Also, lightening the flywheel will not reduce horsepower to the real wheels in any way. It can, as mentioned, cause the bike to be more prone to stalling as the flywheel will not be as effective at keeping the engine rotating. However, once it is rotating the rpm can be more easily maintained, because there is less reciprocating mass. IMO this is a very good mod if you plan on duning or riding more open terrain. For tighter, more technical trails and such, also typically where you cannot be up on the pipe, in the higher rpm's, I don't think I would recommend this mod as much. If you want the best of both worlds, pick up a spare flywheel, have one lightened and leave one stock. Then just switch out depending on where you will be riding. That's what I've done.

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I have been thinking of doing this mod for a long time also. I ride primarly in the dunes and most often where I think I would use this the most is in the OR dunes. Now the reason I was thinking of getting one is when climbing some trails with twist and turns in 2nd gear I have to get out of the powerband to make some of the turns. Then I have to clutch it a little to get it back up into the powerband thus bringing the front tires off the ground and this usally throws me off course. I figured having the ligthend flywheel would maybe help me get back into the power band after letting off so I wouldn't have to clutch it as much. I currently have 10x10x20 10 paddle extreem with 14 41 gearing. I was planning to do some things to it soon such as the shift star and going to 14 43 gearing at the same time doing the lightend flywheel but if it is going to make me clutch it alot more I wonder if it's worth it. I have also thought about a less aggresive tire that would let me ride up in 2nd gear.

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start working out that forearm ....... Your gonna be clutching it more if you lighten it! :(

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there sure is alot of misinformation in this thread , :rolleyes: unless yo u have no self control and have a body like buddah... yo u will like this mod ,do a search on it here.and youll find about 11 pages of people who love it and maybe a handful of people who dont .

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I agree. I'm a big guy (210 lbs) mostly riding dunes and sometimes trails and I think this mod was very good. Do I use the clutch more? Um ya maybe like 10%. Amazing that my left forearm isn't looking like Popeye's by now! Have I had any issues with stalling the bike? Not that I can think of. If I did it was my own fault. The revs are easier to get so I actually think it makes the bike easier to ride, especially when you're being aggressive.


I would say that if you're the type of rider that is, for lack of a better word, lazy...then this prolly isn't the mod for you. If you like to putt around 2 gears too high, let the engine lug, don't like to use the clutch cept maybe to shift, or have a tendancy of stalling the bike already then don't do the mod. Otherwise, try it out. If you don't like it it should be pretty easy to trade flywheels with somebody on the HQ.

Edited by Wallrat
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I agree.  I'm a big guy (210 lbs) mostly riding dunes and sometimes trails and I think this mod was very good.  Do I use the clutch more?  Um ya maybe like 10%.  Amazing that my left forearm isn't looking like Popeye's by now!  Have I had any issues with stalling the bike?  Not that I can think of.  If I did it was my own fault.  The revs are easier to get so I actually think it makes the bike easier to ride, especially when you're being aggressive. 


I would say that if you're the type of rider that is, for lack of a better word, lazy...then this prolly isn't the mod for you.  If you like to putt around 2 gears too high, let the engine lug, don't like to use the clutch cept maybe to shift, or have a tendancy of stalling the bike already then don't do the mod.  Otherwise, try it out.  If you don't like it it should be pretty easy to trade flywheels with somebody on the HQ.




I could not have said it any better... :cheers:

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I agree.  I'm a big guy (210 lbs) mostly riding dunes and sometimes trails and I think this mod was very good.  Do I use the clutch more?  Um ya maybe like 10%.  Amazing that my left forearm isn't looking like Popeye's by now!  Have I had any issues with stalling the bike?  Not that I can think of.  If I did it was my own fault.  The revs are easier to get so I actually think it makes the bike easier to ride, especially when you're being aggressive. 


I would say that if you're the type of rider that is, for lack of a better word, lazy...then this prolly isn't the mod for you.  If you like to putt around 2 gears too high, let the engine lug, don't like to use the clutch cept maybe to shift, or have a tendancy of stalling the bike already then don't do the mod.  Otherwise, try it out.  If you don't like it it should be pretty easy to trade flywheels with somebody on the HQ.



Don't get me wrong, I love this mod, and agree that I have found it much nicer than prior to lightening. I was just trying to illustrate what you said. If you are prone to stalling your bike, this will probably make it worse, because as you said you are probably lugging it around like it's a 4 stroke.

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I'm a heavy rider and I love my lightened flywheel, it takes a little more rpm to get it going from a standing start but you get used to that after the 2nd or 3rd start, other thn that I can see no cons IMO and I ride mostly trail, it gathers rpm faster and you can glid trough the gears smoothly. Everyone who has ridden my shee has had their flywheel lifhtened if it wasn't done already! This mod is a must!

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Ron mills out a sick lightened flywheel.He's the one that will slot your flywheel.


    click: BANSHEEWORX



Thanks for that post, I've been trying to find that link for a little while. Only thing is Ron's email on that site doesn't seem to work, and I can't remember his screenname. Is it BDBanshee ? Does anyone know/remember what he charges for the slotted milling? Sorry for the minor hijack--

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