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Mexican Wall

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if they are here legally, then the company didnt do anything wrong. thats life, brother. if a company can find people to work for $2.50 less who will work just as hard if not harder for less pay, then so be it.  its unfortunate for the people who lost their jobs, but thats how it goes man. go find another $9/hour job.

in my field, the pay rates vary from $15/hour to $150/hour and up.  in order for me to charge my $100/hour fee, i have to prove my worth.  i have to prove myself over and over again everyday. i have to stay on top of every trend, skill, scheme and competitor every single day. i have to know my shit inside and out and know everyone elses shit inside and out. ive had countless clients gasp at the bottom line price on a proposal from me and say, 'i can get this same thing done for less than half this amount'. i dont sit around and pout and bitch, im prepared to sell myself and my self worth, or kindly turn down the work and move on to the next one. 

dont blame and hate on fellow hard working people just because they are foreigners and were willing to accept a job for less pay. you can go work there too for the same pay. if you want to make more, then dont work there and find a different job.



Your right about proving yourself versus your hourly rate. We have people literally pause in awe when they see the bill after they've told us "bill it time and materials, we need it tomorrow, so what ever it takes"....then they think about it. Where else in this valley could they get it done over night, and done right? No where. We have been told that we are literally the only shop that will drop what we are doing for an emergency job, or a rush job. The price is twice, but if you need your curry in a hurry we'll do it. We've worked a 30 hour shift before to get something done for a very good customer that told us price was no object. Our part took around 30 hours to make, and it still cost $1000 less than a new part from the factory, that would have taken 2 weeks to get in. We were heros that afternoon.


I have also had customers tell me that our shop rate isn't always the cheapest, but they know it will get done on time or we'll have a damn good reason it isn't done, and then we'll put down the hours without charging overtime to get it done.


We also help people out now and again for a good customer relation. I did a rush job for a customer of mine between yesterday and today, and then I drove almost 50 miles to deliver it so they could start assembly tomorrow, so they'll have product to ship after Xmas.


The other shops that don't charge as much, tend to take alot longer to get projects done, and won't accept a job if the due date is in 5 hours. :shrugani:

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Just wait till the chinese hear about this market, your days are numbered. All future website will be made in a chinese sweatshop for 1\10th the price.


then i'll just have to find another job wont i?


if all else fails wal*mart is always hiring, thanks to their low low prices business is always booming!!

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The thing I don't like is how allot of the workers from around here(not sure legal/ illegal) speak ONLY spanish and have very little respect for anything. You wanna come here and make a better life then thats fine, I have no problem with that. I just get pissed when I order a burger and for some reason the little lady at the window cant hardly speak english and Iam the one that feels stupid. Just yesterday some roofers fnished their day at the house where Iam working and while getting into their truck they kicked out all their trash on purpose. Just makes me feel like allot of these people have a f- it attitude when it comes to actually respecting america and the oportunity they have. I have heard allot of them say U.S. sucks and Mexico is so great. Good get out then! Others I have worked with see the oportunity they have and respect everything about it. These people are great to work with and I think they have every right to be here if they seek to be here legaly. Not to mention most all I have worked with are funnier then hell :rotflmao:


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Intercom, "What kind of fountain drinks do you have?"


Employee1, "Fountain drink, what a fountain drink? Hold please."


Employee1, "Guy at drive through order drink, what a fountain drink"?


Employee2, " Isa soda."


Employee1, "Soda? He say fountain drink like Ima stupid."


Employee 1 to customer, "Why jou no say soda stupid?"


Sound familiar? Plagiarized from a stand up comic.

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The thing I don't like is how allot of the workers from around here(not sure legal/ illegal) speak ONLY spanish and have very little respect for anything.  You wanna come here and make a better life then thats fine, I have no problem with that.  I just get pissed when I order a burger and for some reason the little lady at the window cant hardly speak english and Iam the one that feels stupid. Just yesterday some roofers fnished their day at the house where Iam working and while getting into their truck they kicked out all their trash on purpose.  Just makes me feel like allot of these people have a f- it attitude when it comes to actually respecting america and the oportunity they have.  I have heard allot of them say U.S. sucks and Mexico is so great. Good get out then!  Others I have worked with see the oportunity they have and respect everything about it.  These people are great to work with and I think they have every right to be here if they seek to be here legaly.  Not to mention most all I have worked with are funnier then hell :rotflmao:



i know a lot of people who litter. and who barely speak understandable english. they are all white americans.


besides, its only littering if you dont say "opps" after.

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Broke, sounds funny huh? No kidding though. I placed two sperate orders at a Wendy's drive through and when I went to pay the first window that girl didn't speak english at all. She looked at me all goofey when I went pay her for the second order. Just kept saying "no comprende" (or however you spell it) So Iam sitting there trying to use my worthless ass highschool spanish to say I have two seperate orders I need to pay for. If I needed to say my cat is brown then I would have been well equiped.



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Broke, sounds funny huh?  No kidding though. I placed two sperate orders at a Wendy's drive through and when I went to pay the first window that girl didn't speak english at all.  She looked at me all goofey when I went pay her for the second order.  Just kept saying "no comprende" (or however you spell it) So Iam sitting there trying to use my worthless ass highschool spanish to say I have two seperate orders I need to pay for. If I needed to say my cat is brown then I would have been well equiped.




ahh high school spanish class. did me a lot of good. years ago one of my sisters friends gave me the nickname Malo and i just got the joke two days ago thanks to my little mexican buddy lefty. eyebrow1qb.gif

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The thing I don't like is how allot of the workers from around here(not sure legal/ illegal) speak ONLY spanish and have very little respect for anything.  You wanna come here and make a better life then thats fine, I have no problem with that.  I just get pissed when I order a burger and for some reason the little lady at the window cant hardly speak english and Iam the one that feels stupid.


I totally agree. But what's even worse is people that were born in this country and still cant speak english, just look at wesw. I don't know what their excuse is.

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ahh high school spanish class. did me a lot of good. years ago one of my sisters friends gave me the nickname Malo and i just got the joke two days ago thanks to my little mexican buddy lefty.  eyebrow1qb.gif


Shouldn't it have been Mala?


You can tell your Mexican buddy 'HASTA LUEGO FEO!"

I was told its a term of endearment. lol

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Shouldn't it have been Mala?


You can tell your Mexican buddy 'HASTA LUEGO FEO!"

I was told its a term of endearment. lol



Cheech and Chong movie. Cheech tells Chong to call the local Mexicans' "bendecko's". The Mexican sure got pissed off at ol' chong. someone wanna tell me what "bendecko" means ??

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Cheech and Chong movie. Cheech tells Chong to call the local Mexicans' "bendecko's".  The Mexican sure got pissed off at ol' chong.  someone wanna tell me what "bendecko" means ??



Now don't quote me on this but I think it's an old wooden battleship from the civil war era...




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