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Mexican Wall

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I agree it sucks to lose your job that way, but look at it from the companies point of view. You'd do it too if you were boss. That is what business is about, make money.

At my last job my main resposablility was to train unskilled labors to be welders so the company wouldn't haved to pay the high dollar welders want as pay per hour. It sucked having to tell welders with 10 years or so experence that the pay was only $9.50hr, they would just laugh. But I could take a high school recent grad and have a welder made out of them in 3 weeks for that low pay, and they'd be happy about it.

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Or the flip side. Those that REFUSE work. I have several family members that "can't survive on minimum wage." but yet...they don't have a fucking job.

They are what my people call lazy assholes. They have all of this "pride" in themselves to where they won't lower their standards to work at a Wal Mart, yet they have no skills, ambition, or brains.


If it was a requirement that you had to hold at least a minimum wage job, part time to qualify for welfare benefits, you'd see the unemployment rate disappear like cup cakes at Oprahs house.


Very good point...half of these "Americans" refuse to lower their standards and work non skilled jobs. Hey, go to school, learn a trade... get off your lazy ass and do something or don't complain about working at Walmart. These people blame the illegals and everyone else for their stupidity. I also believe the borders should be closed.

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bansheeryder_69...chill out with the "beaner" comments and all that..ive had a couple ppl pm me and complain about it. if u wanna say shit like that go somewhere else..


sorry everyone....I love you all even sikwidit..hes probalby a really cool guy in real life. :D

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if they are here legally, then the company didnt do anything wrong. thats life, brother. if a company can find people to work for $2.50 less who will work just as hard if not harder for less pay, then so be it.  its unfortunate for the people who lost their jobs, but thats how it goes man. go find another $9/hour job.

in my field, the pay rates vary from $15/hour to $150/hour and up.  in order for me to charge my $100/hour fee, i have to prove my worth.  i have to prove myself over and over again everyday. i have to stay on top of every trend, skill, scheme and competitor every single day. i have to know my shit inside and out and know everyone elses shit inside and out. ive had countless clients gasp at the bottom line price on a proposal from me and say, 'i can get this same thing done for less than half this amount'. i dont sit around and pout and bitch, im prepared to sell myself and my self worth, or kindly turn down the work and move on to the next one. 

dont blame and hate on fellow hard working people just because they are foreigners and were willing to accept a job for less pay. you can go work there too for the same pay. if you want to make more, then dont work there and find a different job.


This mexican will work for half of what she charges! j00 cant mess wit me seester! I haf com to steel j00 job mang!

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This mexican will work for half of what she charges! j00 cant mess wit me seester! I haf com to steel j00 job mang!


fuck that, i'll pay you $55.50 an hour to put on some tight short shorts, wash the windows in my office and bring me oranges and stuff.

i keep my job and you get your ass slapped every now and then. everyones happy.

see, compromise is attainable.

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fuck that, i'll pay you $55.50 an hour to put on some tight short shorts, wash the windows in my office and bring me oranges and stuff. 

i keep my job and you get your ass slapped every now and then. everyones happy.

see, compromise is attainable.



There's not alot of shit I wouldn't do for $55/hour... then again I have no standards b/c the white man took em :unsure: ...



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in my field, the pay rates vary from $15/hour to $150/hour and up.  in order for me to charge my $100/hour fee, i have to prove my worth.  i have to prove myself over and over again everyday. i have to stay on top of every trend, skill, scheme and competitor every single day. i have to know my shit inside and out and know everyone elses shit inside and out. ive had countless clients gasp at the bottom line price on a proposal from me and say, 'i can get this same thing done for less than half this amount'. i dont sit around and pout and bitch, im prepared to sell myself and my self worth, or kindly turn down the work and move on to the next one.



For more information on this please visit www.eastcoastatv.com

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QUOTE(Brooke @ Dec 21 2005, 07:33 PM)

in my field, the pay rates vary from $15/hour to $150/hour and up. in order for me to charge my $100/hour fee, i have to prove my worth. i have to prove myself over and over again everyday. i have to stay on top of every trend, skill, scheme and competitor every single day. i have to know my shit inside and out and know everyone elses shit inside and out. ive had countless clients gasp at the bottom line price on a proposal from me and say, 'i can get this same thing done for less than half this amount'. i dont sit around and pout and bitch, im prepared to sell myself and my self worth, or kindly turn down the work and move on to the next one.



Just wait till the chinese hear about this market, your days are numbered. All future website will be made in a chinese sweatshop for 1\10th the price.

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