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Mexican Wall

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....wow a great debate. lots of other countries have their borders closed and don't allow other people to become citizens of their country. i think that if it was a level playing field and they'll pay fair taxes like the rest of us then who cares at least they'e contributing to our economy. i think i speak for most of us when i say we have mixed feelings. the good comes with the bad. in all cases. anybody wanna have a beer?


Excellent point.

I can't remember for the life of me the name of the country in Africa or there abouts, but if you are caught sneaking across the boarder into their country they can by their laws execute you.


I'll see if I can't break away from work today to find the story that popped up this summer about it.

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im mexican


This is where the problem is. Since you are legal you are now a US citizen not a Mexican. We keep classifying people like African American, Mexican American, Asian American... This stuff is just causing a rift in the country. To me you're American period. All rights should be the same and ethnic background should not be considered for anything.

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it would be nice..but its gonna be hard to tax them when they are workin for 4 bucks an hour under the table...



FOUR BUCKS?????? You can't get em' in the truck here for less than $10. Hell,

I will lay block for $10 an hour. The illeagals seem to be trying to get some sort of union going here.


im mexican and i come to think of my family as hard working people


Sik, you got an uncle that lays block? I'll pay $9.50 hr.







j/k :D

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Here in cali some politition is lobbying to have a law that Home Depot has to provide an enclosed area with running water and toilets for all the illegals that hang out there. Um...talk about treating the symptom and not the disease.


IMO, build the wall. Its not going to harm relationships between legals and their family back in mexico. Its not like there won't be border crossings anymore, you just gotta have citizenship to use em. How many of you consider swimming across a poluted river or hiking through 20 miles of desert to be normal fare for visiting the family?

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This is where the problem is.  Since you are legal you are now a US citizen not a Mexican.  We keep classifying people like African American, Mexican American, Asian American... This stuff is just causing a rift in the country. To me you're American period. All rights should be the same and ethnic background should not be considered for anything.



agree, im not mexican but i do have respect from working with them. just from working with my experience, mexicans do all the jobs that most people do not want to do. They are the majority of the manual work force. Work 2 jobs just to send money back home. in my opinion, they are a huge work force in america, and who would work there jobs if they were not allowed to work here?

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How does it benifit this country to have these people send all their money down to mexico? Who would work these low paying job? We have native born americans who can't find work, because when a job becomes avaliable 6 illegals jump on it. 3 years ago, me and several buddies worked at a factory for $9 an hour. One day they laid everyone off {we all got unemployment benifits, but WTF}. 1 month later they reopened with a mexican work force at $6.50 an hour. Rock on corperate america, rock on.

Edited by midnite
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How does it benifit this country to have these people send all their money down to mexico? Who would work these low paying job? We have native born americans who can't find work,........



Or the flip side. Those that REFUSE work. I have several family members that "can't survive on minimum wage." but yet...they don't have a fucking job.

They are what my people call lazy assholes. They have all of this "pride" in themselves to where they won't lower their standards to work at a Wal Mart, yet they have no skills, ambition, or brains.


If it was a requirement that you had to hold at least a minimum wage job, part time to qualify for welfare benefits, you'd see the unemployment rate disappear like cup cakes at Oprahs house.

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Or the flip side. Those that REFUSE work. I have several family members that "can't survive on minimum wage." but yet...they don't have a fucking job.

They are what my people call lazy assholes. They have all of this "pride" in themselves to where they won't lower their standards to work at a Wal Mart, yet they have no skills, ambition, or brains.


If it was a requirement that you had to hold at least a minimum wage job, part time to qualify for welfare benefits, you'd see the unemployment rate disappear like cup cakes at Oprahs house.


ding ding ding!! we have a winner!


there are pleanty of useless lazy americans who refuse to work, im so sick of hearing this 'they are taking all our jobs' bullshit.

i have no problem with foreigners coming over here to work, as long as they do it LEGALLY. i dont care where youre from or what language you speak, if you have enough pride and self worth to drag your ass out of a useless country to go to work in a foreign country, not even knowing the language, all just to provide for your hungry family back home, youre cool in my book. its refreshing to see that sort of drive, when so often so many people take any excuse they can find to do absolutely nothing but sit on their ass and bitch and moan.

not every job in this country should pay 'liveable' wages. last i knew, people start working at 16, do they really need to be making enough money to support themselves? no. they need jobs that will pay them enough for lunch money and hobbies and condoms, jobs that are entry level, that only require on the job training, teaches kids from highschool through college age responsibility of getting out of bed and being someplace everyday, respecting their superiors and learning how to move up in the world. ya know, to higher paying jobs that require more experience, responsibility and skill. to someone coming from the shithole that is mexico, if these jobs are able to provide for their families back home, more power to em.


build a wall, make em come legally, have em take an adult ed class to learn english while they are here, if you work hard, provide for your family, dont commit crimes, then enjoy! live long and prosper.

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oh no sikwidit might get all his homies and jump me now. Suck my right nut I'll say what I want. Thats what makes america america. Not all the ******* ruining it for the people who rightfully inhereited this land. And no I wasn't aimed at MEXICANS in general more the illegal ones but just for being an asshole you can kiss mine.




EDIT: Stop it with the racial comments. Read the rules before posting. Racism is not tolerated at BHQ.

Edited by stclark816
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oh no sikwidit might get all his homies and jump me now. Suck my right nut I'll say what I want. Thats what makes america america. Not all the beaners ruining it for the people who rightfully inhereited this land. And no I wasn't aimed at MEXICANS in general more the illegal ones but just for being an asshole you can kiss mine.


once again ur a queer....i cant beleive ur american...america land of the free???not land of the douche bags...stupid ass...omg .....my homies??...wat are u gonna do get ur crackhead squirrel hunting crew on me with ur little ruger 22's?

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They took my old job literaly. Still a touchy subject with alot of poeple where I live. What about hard working people out of a job, just so a company can save money on the bottom line by hiring these fine folk from mexico.


if they are here legally, then the company didnt do anything wrong. thats life, brother. if a company can find people to work for $2.50 less who will work just as hard if not harder for less pay, then so be it. its unfortunate for the people who lost their jobs, but thats how it goes man. go find another $9/hour job.

in my field, the pay rates vary from $15/hour to $150/hour and up. in order for me to charge my $100/hour fee, i have to prove my worth. i have to prove myself over and over again everyday. i have to stay on top of every trend, skill, scheme and competitor every single day. i have to know my shit inside and out and know everyone elses shit inside and out. ive had countless clients gasp at the bottom line price on a proposal from me and say, 'i can get this same thing done for less than half this amount'. i dont sit around and pout and bitch, im prepared to sell myself and my self worth, or kindly turn down the work and move on to the next one.

dont blame and hate on fellow hard working people just because they are foreigners and were willing to accept a job for less pay. you can go work there too for the same pay. if you want to make more, then dont work there and find a different job.

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