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Mexican Wall

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Meat what are you saying in your first post? you lost me.


I was under the impression that aproxx 2 or 3 years ago our govt. passed a bill that would legally let Mexian workers into our country to work the low payin' jobs that Americans dont want(because we can't live on 4 dollars an hour). Im not sure what the deal is, so thats why I ask.

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I was under the impression that aproxx 2 or 3 years ago our govt. passed a bill that would legally let Mexian workers into our country to work the low payin' jobs that Americans dont want(because we can't live on 4 dollars an hour).  Im not sure what the deal is, so thats why I ask.


Just got lost in your wording.


Couldn't tell you for sure on that but it's an interesting thought. My understanding as with the way we do things with our service men all over the world is that you get a work visa for a limited time and then you have to renew it for an extension. I would guess (key word guess) that the work visas for the us allow the Mexicans to work for a few years and then they need to re-apply, go home, or stay illegally. I'll be in Mexico next week so maybe I can ask while I'm there. This whole thing is more complicated than it appears I'm sure.

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its pretty hard to defend bushes ideas on border control ,his plan is no border control fro m what i see .actions speak louder than words,all i hear is tal kand all these great plans ,look at china,he has no trouble selling his own peeps out time and time again . hes reading off cue cards . he openly favors the nafta plan and has gone out of his way to help illegals get in and suck our govt.(us esentially ) dry.back when the immigrants came over to ellis island over 100 years ago they had skills, great ideas and inventions ,a drive to sucsead and now its mostly just trash/human leeches . if you dont have something useful to offer this country stay the fuck out of it , we have enough worthless pieces of shit as it is IMO .its sad , we take anybody it seems and our government welcomes them with open arms ,even the illegals

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its pretty hard to defend  bushes ideas on border control ,his plan is  no border control fro m what i see .actions speak louder than words,all i hear is tal kand all these great plans ,look at china,he has no trouble selling his own peeps out time and time again . 


Bush only explained his plan just after Thanksgiving, I'm guessing that's part of the reason the house approved the wall. He's definately stepping in the right direction. His alternative would have been much worse.

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bush would never allow  that ,thats good cheap labor that can t get in if we do that  :(




The hell he wouldn't! Like they said above we have plenty of cheap labor already here. This is something that is long over due. How in the hell can mexicans compare this wall (separating two countries) to the berlin wall? Why not compare it to the great wall of china? If their country is so damn great to live in, then why the hell do they come over here to live and work? And furthermore, how are they helping our economy working jobs that don't pay taxes?

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