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Stern Walks

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  I have my radio playin all day at work too....... its the same old crap over and over and over, 15 goddamn stations all playin the same goddamn stuff, and then the crappy radio commercials banghead .

I love listenin' to him belittle Gary or interview Beetlejuice..... who can forget Hank the angry drunken dwarf, how can you not find Beet or Hank slightly funny. 



I hear ya' Meat. Radio sucks. Thats why I hook my nano into my truck and listen to MY music. Even sat. radio breaks with station promos and stuff. And the reception sucks when it gets cloudy.


Stern is funny, no doubt. It just seems to detract from my day. Reminds me that this world has a dark and depressing side. Kind of like that ogrish website.


As far as Bush, I think there are alot more people that are mad at him for not tossing nukes rather than peacenics pissed about being over there in the first place.

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As far as Bush, I think there are alot more people that are mad at him for not tossing nukes rather than peacenics pissed about being over there in the first place.


yep, i would be a lot happier with him if he would just bomb all the towelheads, and be done with it. then we can take their oil and go back to being happy prosperous americans...

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Come on post up your opinions...pretty please. :)



i need to stop reading this thread.










blue, i dont have any nudie pics of myself, but when are we gonna start our torrid affair? its fucking cold in the east, im ready for some warm cali sun!!

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not bitter at all. Just makin' converstaion actually :) Iv never been religious and its odd and interesting to me. The whole "seperation of chruch and state" was always an interesting subject :) . I like to stir the pot and ask the questions that need to be asked. :cheers: I like it when stern gets all political, its good entertainment :shrugani: . The word "god" on money is harmless in IMO. when I read "god" on my cash, I think of my wolf-god :notworthy::notworthy::P




this 250r pic was taken last summer. I don't have many pictures of my 250r. Its fun.


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Anyone see the interview with Bill O'Reilly and Howard? Sweet! I'm a big fan of Bill but it sure was nice to see Howard put him in his place :headbang: . I don't think he reallized who he was up against. :notworthy:

Edited by 8buck
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I just cant believe how board you all must be if you sit there and PICK OUT what offends you. Cant say prayer, can't have a parade, cant say under god in the pledge, cant have yard art with with little baby Jesus in it... Are you THAT board, do you have nothing better to worrie about. Give me a break, you don't like it, don't participate. No one say you have to listen or see these things yet you feel the need to get rid of it all together cuz YOU don't like it. I just don't understand, I can't ever remember looking at something and saying "I dont like that, it should change cuz Iam offended". Grow up! Iam not trying to be a dick but it gets so old seeing all these people complain and whine cuz they don't get their way. I did like Howard but like some others have said, his humor gets old. Its not that Iam offended or i would just change the station like most do. And I really hate it when these celebs think their opinions matter just cuz they have some fame and air time. If Iam gonna listen to anyone about how the war is going Iam gonna listen to the troops. The people who are their and see this first hand. The media overall is so leftist its sickening. How many days do they show people being hurt and blown apart??? Every day. How many days do they show all the re-building, and hard work we are doing over there. Never! I don't agree with Bush on everything but I think if there was a DEM in office right now, he would have rolled over and this would be a even bigger problem down the road. I personaly would like to see that place as a big ass crater, think thats the ony way to get it done right but the problem is we have to be nice, we have to be humane, we have to keep from killing civillians. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to see little kids or women being killed but its WAR. Do you think the insurgents care about hurting our civillians??? Hell no, or they wouldn't be sawing the heads off of captives. People really need to realize what kind of war we are fighting.


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