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Yea and now all us folk who don't belive in the invisible man in the sky, or beleive in other gods will have to suffer for it.


Stupid little example, but Im gonna say it anyways.  No Sunday hunting allowed in Pennsylvania.... because its a day of worshop.  Worshop my ass, I need that sunday to kill innocent wildlife :lol:



That law does seem ridiculous, but odds are it's very old. That was back when the word "God" wasn't politically incorrect. Look around the country at our courthouses and federal buildings in Washington DC. They will all have signs of religion, be it slogans like "one nation under God", or mockups of the 10 commandment tablets. Now, it wouldn't be allowed for new buildings, I'm certain, because it would offend someone. And, not to derail this topic further from its intent, but to me, it seems more foreign to believe that we evolved from spontaneous formation of amino acids or whatever they theorized could actually lead to forming a living cell on it's own. On top of that, I'd like to know how the original huge mass was formed in order for the big bang to take place. I'm not mocking people that don't believe in God or Intelligent Design, I seriously find it harder to believe.

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What if all our money said "in budda we trust" ? or "in allah we trust" ? Not just the 5 dollar bills..... all the money. Read my sig. My god is a indian who turns into a wolf. His name is Wolfen. My god has 13 commandments. I want those commandments written in stone and placed on some govt property.


Can anyone tell me the reason why the Pilgrims sailed to America ?

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What if all our money said "in budda we trust" ?  or "in allah we trust" ?  Not just the 5 dollar bills..... all the money.  Read my sig. My god is a indian who turns into a wolf. His name is Wolfen.  My god has 13 commandments.  I want those commandments written in stone and placed on some govt property.


Can anyone tell me the reason why the Pilgrims sailed to America ?


This country seems to have lost more religious rights than they have gained over the Bush Presidency in my opinion.

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hey guys, i gotta run. Im goin to go work on my car before it gets too late. I just wanted to say that Im not trying to offend anyone personally and that Im not trying to be coy or sneaky in my comments, and that im just trying to have a nice smart conversation with other nice smart people... who have different views than mine. I say this because last time I debated I got called every name in the book and hell, people even left the site because they thought I was pickin on them. I honestly dont want to piss anyone off and I love reading all the replies I get. I learn alot that way.


Anyways...... cheers boys :cheers:

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hey guys, i gotta run. Im goin to go work on my car before it gets too late.  I just wanted to say that Im not trying to offend anyone personally and that Im not trying to be coy or sneaky in my comments, and that im just trying to have a nice smart conversation with other nice smart people... who have different views than mine.    I say this because last time I debated I got called every name in the book and hell, people even left the site because they thought I was pickin on them.  I honestly dont want to piss anyone off and I love reading all the replies I get. I learn alot that way.


Anyways...... cheers boys  :cheers:


Anytime Meat, I value others opinions as I hope you will listen to mine.


By the way FM radio sucks but AM is the shit anymore.

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I'm not offended in the least. But, to go along with what you are saying...


If I were to go to an Indian Reservation and demand that they didn't pray to the Sun God in my presense, or go to Saudi Arabia, and threaten to sue the school district because of the mention of Allah, I'd be completely out of line in my opinion. If I went to a gay bar with my girlfriend and made out with her blatantly while wearing a tshirt that said I was "heterosexual and proud", I'd most certainly expect to get treated differently. This country has become ruled by the minority, and it's sad to me. The many are ruled by the few.

Edited by odaen
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I say this because last time I debated I got called every name in the book and hell, people even left the site because they thought I was pickin on them.  I honestly dont want to piss anyone off and I love reading all the replies I get. I learn alot that way.




yes we are all aware of how horribly victimized youve been in the past...im keeping my opinions of the subject of this thread to myself just so as to not give you any more fuel for your victimization rants in the future.

im so sick of hearing about how poor meat was called mean names a year ago. you know, ive been treated way worse and called way worse things by members on the forums than you have meat, and i never bitch and moan about it. damn. get over it.

you sound more and more like the far left everyday. it makes me sad.

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Sorry man, i didnt mean to offend anyone here personally. But you gotta know what I mean when I talk about the religious folk bitchin and moanin about all the crap we heathens do. Jerry Falwell and Pat Roberson, please leave us alone, we'll worry about it when we're all in hell.


LMAO dont worry meat, i was busting on you. i dont think ive ever been "offended" in my life. since this thread has turned into politics, i dont feel bad typing a bunch of political crap...so here goes. the pilgrams came here for religious freedom. they came from a place where you HAD to do one thing or another. our constitution says: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." i think a lot of peopel forget the free exercise therof part. theres not to be a elimination of religion. (not saying you said that meat) however i think a lot of the religeous folk, want a country that fits exactly what they think. which is as wrong as the other side. i prefer to call myself a constitutionalist, rather than a right winger. it seems liek when the libs are in power they have the things they hate and they try to ban them, and when the conservatives are in power that try to ban their things. the libs have their free speech issues that they love. and the conservatives have theirs. the only way to make it work is to allow it all. we cannot regulate what we as individuals think is bad, because someone else will always find what you think is good to be bad. warning the next sentance will be religeous. meat your right about a lot of the religeous right. many of them are hypocritical blow hards, liek a lot of the far left. jesus was friends to everyone and excepted them all equally. its interesting that jesus never got involved with politics. or forced people to do things. why then is it that peopel who clain to follow him do nothign but try to force peopel into a mold, and quite often treat peopel they dotn agree with like crap. on average you will be treated better in a bar than in church, thats sad. i dont have a problem with school teaching evolution, i dont care if theres a strip club down the street. i dont care what you do on sunday. i dont care if you watch porn or sleep with men, or have an indian god :D i dont care if you want to have a different girl every night. all i ask in return is that people let me say merry christmas, teach intelligent design along with evolution, and not get hacked off by the very mention of the word GOD...sorry for the long post, i like politics :confused:

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yes we are all aware of how horribly victimized youve been in the past...im keeping my opinions of the subject of this thread to myself just so as to not give you any more fuel for your victimization rants in the future.

im so sick of hearing about how poor meat was called mean names a year ago. you know, ive been treated way worse and called way worse things by members on the forums than you have meat, and i never bitch and moan about it. damn. get over it.

you sound more and more like the far left everyday. it makes me sad.


hehe ok that was funny....

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You're completely right. :notworthy:


I looked up the past Iraq elections.  1995 Saddam received 99.96% of the vote and again in 2002 with a stronger campaign he received 100% of the 11,000,000+ votes. They definately wanted him


uhh are you stupid saddam was the only one on the ballot


This country has become ruled by the minority, and it's sad to me.  The many are ruled by the few.


just like how a black person can call a white person names but if the white person calls the black person ANYTHING than its turned into racism.

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poor meat was called mean names a year ago.  you know, ive been treated way worse and called way worse things


brooke your a hot little slut, just a fucking doll........... youve got a great little ass, and ill take pussie over meat anyday, listening to you guys go at it is perfect. please pm me with a naked pic?.........and maybe meat can post a pic of his banshee...........

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just like how a black person can call a white person names but if the white person calls the black person ANYTHING than its turned into racism.



actually, that's nothing like i meant. what I meant was one person who gets offended by kids handing out presents at school for a gift exchange can make it so nobody gets to enjoy the seasonal festivities. the one kid that gets offended by a pre-game prayer in the locker room before a football game......



it's just f'n ridiculous the extent that people take their own civil rights....

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yes we are all aware of how horribly victimized youve been in the past...im keeping my opinions of the subject of this thread to myself just so as to not give you any more fuel for your victimization rants in the future.

im so sick of hearing about how poor meat was called mean names a year ago.  you know, ive been treated way worse and called way worse things by members on the forums than you have meat, and i never bitch and moan about it.  damn. get over it.

you sound more and more like the far left everyday. it makes me sad.



Oh i cant win with you can I Brooke ?? But I do enjoy offending you. I comment only to rile you up :P stoke your fire a little :ph34r: ..... If I were take a guess at what you'd reply.... I coulda wrote your very post. so predictable it makes me sad. You should try to be more offensive, since thats your "thing". :shrugani::cheers:


BLACKeR, I hear everything your sayin and you make perfect sense. Your religion and all the other religions should have all the religious freedoms you want. Sacrifice chickens and whatnot. There should be no church say in the abortion issue. People whos religions forbid abortions should not get an abortion. The Govt should not be influenced by any views of the church. Thus, abortion is legal today on those grounds. Abortion is one of the bigger church\state issues, but theirs more. Like the "god" on money or the ten commandments in court rooms, it shouldnt be anywhere the Govt is involved. Let me tell ya this. If I was a church goin' man, I think I would still understand that there are many religions, many beliefs different than mine and I would not want to impose my ways on others. Not face to face or through electing politicians with a relgious agenda.


I wanna tell yas that I think im having a hard time conveying to yas that im not some left wing, tree huggin' liberal. So I wanna clear this up. I don't want 2 strokes banned, I dont' want riding areas banned, I have hugged quiet a few trees, but only because my bowhuntin' stand is a "climber". :) I want to drill Alaska for every drop of thier oil and spray the caribou with crude.. and I want the illegal immigrants out of the country. I also believe religion should not be involved in politics, no matter if they're the majority or not, its just not right. I don't believe the war in Iraq was justified.... I think we should seek out and kill Osama first..... and once that fucker is dead, then invade Iraq and any other country that gives us crap. Osama's crew flew the planes, not Saddams guys. North Korea would be a good country to make into a parking lot. I think our govt should put more tax dollars to work for schooling and less for foreign aide. I don't think the govt should take our guns. I own a few rilfes, a sweet 12 ga. shotgun and nice pre-ban Tec-9. I dont' think the govt should be allowed to spy on american citizens even if the FBI thinks they're terrorist.


I think the Republican party was very smart to play the religion card, to portray Bush as a church-man. If the Democrats had a shred of grey mater, they'd kiss the churches ass too. The Repubicans don't care about Jesus and what he stood for, they're duping the public. All the Republicans want..... all any politican wants is to get elected.... and they will say and do whatever it takes to get into office. Let me ask you, when you think of Jesus... do you invision Dick Cheney standing next to Jeez with his arm around him and Jesus giving the thumbs up ? Republican\religious. That makes anyone Democrate satan worshippin' liberals. Its the perfect stratagy and the repubs know it. When a party caters to one religion.... its dubbed "taliban" like. The catering to religion, no matter what religion is what turns me off about the repubican part more than anything. Enough to make me support the pathetic Democrats. Lets face it both side blow donky dick, but atleast the Democrats seem to be slighty trying, in some fucked up way... to uphold the Constitiion and whats right in this fucked up world. viva la Pilgrims :headbang:


The fact is.... politics are so messed up in this country it could split the nation in the near future. If there was just a "middle ground" party, with a down-to-earth leader for guys like me and some of you...


and finally.... whew.... :cheers:


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meat ill agree with most of what you say, but i cant help but think your being a little bitter about religion in government. i dont think abortion is a religeous issue. i think abortion is an issue because the supreem court steamrolled it in, and peopel didnt get to vote on it. put abortion up for a vote state by state. and the issue will nearly go away. i also think the abortion issue arguement is whether its a livign human, or a lunp of tissue. im against abortion because i think your ligaitamtly killing someone. is that a religious stance? not really i think most people think killing is bad. its just i feel killing and inoscent human for somethign you as a person 99% of the time could prevent is wrong. i think the ten commandments are only religeous if your looking for a way to get hacked off. if the whole bible is just a bunch of stories. then nothign from it shoudl hold any real meanign to you. it really shouldnt bother you. 10 comandments on courthouses have been there forever. get over it. its not an establishment of religion. its a mention of it. money says in god we trust. god is generic. just look at it and remember the big indian in the sky is taking care of your wallet. ten comandments, nativity scenes, national days of prayer, arnt an establishment of religion. they simply mention it. when bush comes out and says everyone must be methodist and go to church on sunday. that day i will march on washington. but were no where near that. on the other side saying kids cant say a prayer of their own before a ball game or at graduation, or sayign kids can sing religeous christmas songs is ligitimatly restriction their free exercize therof...meat im sorry your anti religion, but it doesnt bother me. learn to let it not bother you, and the lack of frustration will probly add a couple years to yoru life...now post a pic of your real bike. i wanna see the R!!

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