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Stern Walks

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if you have family values, belong to the American Taliban(Christain right wingers) or get offended by fart jokes and naked chicks, then Stern is not for you


hey meat, easy on me bro. i am a christian right winger, and i love howard. i might even break down and get sirus. his free speach is as important as mine. i say ditch the FCC. and if parents dont want their kids listining to it. TRY BEING PARENTS!!! but in all honesty your probly not too far off calling a lot of the organized religious right talibanesk. howards a genius, and anyone with a sence of humor loves him...

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hey meat, easy on me bro. i am a christian right winger, and i love howard. i might even break down and get sirus. his free speach is as important as mine. i say ditch the FCC. and if parents dont want their kids listining to it. TRY BEING PARENTS!!! but in all honesty your probly not too far off calling a lot of the organized religious right talibanesk. howards a genius, and anyone with a sence of humor loves him...


Word, I too enjoyed watching the Howard Stern show on occasion and am of the belief that if you don't like it don't watch or listen to it. Sheltering yourself and especially your children is stupid this is afterall the world we live in and teaching them is the best answer. I do think it sucks to have to pay for radio though so I'll keep my money. But in the event my next vehicle already has it I'd probably keep the service.

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I used to listen to Stern in my younger days. I guess I find it a bit on the juvinile side. He is anti-everyone-but Stern and burns people for stealing material that he stole from someone in the first place. I can't see paying to listen to tracks of dudes having sex, or old ladies going at it, or chicks getting baloney tossed at them. It was funny to me as a 20 yr old, but at 30, It's just not my thing.

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the different music they play on sattelite radio alone is worth the 12 bucks a month, free radio blows, face it, same songs over and over . in work i have a 15 year old radio of my own.i feel like smashing it with a hammer because of the repetition.i m looking forward to listening to the crack whore view.howard rules,even the haters will have sattelite soon, just to hear what he is saying.

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American Taliban(Christain right wingers) is term coined by Howard Stern, thats why I mentioned it. I have nothing against your religion, you can worship whatever god you wanna. Have fun with the worshipin' your gods.

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Also gotta agree with NYUK's last post. I have my radio playin all day at work too....... its the same old crap over and over and over, 15 goddamn stations all playin the same goddamn stuff, and then the crappy radio commercials banghead .



He is anti-everyone-but Stern and burns people for stealing material that he stole from someone in the first place. I can't see paying to listen to tracks of dudes having sex, or old ladies going at it, or chicks getting baloney tossed at them.

Ahh your puttin way too much thought into it..... just listen to it and have a good time :P . The shows alot more than what you mentioned. I love listenin' to him belittle Gary or interview Beetlejuice..... who can forget Hank the angry drunken dwarf, how can you not find Beet or Hank slightly funny. I guess I'll never grow up :cheers:


And for the guys who mentioned "payin for radio sucks". Payin for Television is just as bad. Think of all the mindless, boring crap on TV, all the commercials, those retarted reality shows where everyone looks like a model. Your payin atleast $40 bucks a month for TV. $40 bucks a month sucks if you ask me, helll half of the airtime is commercials. I'd say there is a few good shows on tv and I love watchin my football games on saturday and sunday, but other than that its a complete waste of time. I got rid of my TV bill along time ago, I dont have the patience to sit on the couch and watch the shows. :shrugani: I gotta be fiddlin with my quads, or riding my bike or workin on my car, or cuttin the grass.... a million other things..... I'll get my cable turned back on when I retire in 40 years. Fuck Martha Stewart and MTV :headbang:

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Payin for Television is just as bad.  Think of all the mindless, boring crap on TV, all the commercials, those retarted reality shows where everyone looks like a model.  Your payin atleast $40 bucks a month for TV.  $40 bucks a month sucks if you ask me, helll half of the airtime is commercials.


I definately agree there, I've never paid for cable yet. Fox news would be nice though.

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regular radio does suck, if it didnt sat radio wouldnt exist. i never get sick of howards bits. the guys a comedic genius. the stuff and characters he comes up with are unequaled. and i cant really think of anythign he stole. how many shows were interviewing retards or had tickle chairs before howard? i dont think he quite invented radio like he thinks. but he made the morning show. who even knew about anal before howard came around? :P who cares about paying, i pay for everything else, why not pay for radio :confused: only problem would be keeping it from the wife, i think she likes howard more than me...

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hey meat, easy on me bro. i am a christian right winger, and i love howard.

Sorry man, i didnt mean to offend anyone here personally. But you gotta know what I mean when I talk about the religious folk bitchin and moanin about all the crap we heathens do. Jerry Falwell and Pat Roberson, please leave us alone, we'll worry about it when we're all in hell.

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I'd listened to stern since he came to Portland, OR. I thought the show was great until it became so political and anti-religion. I remember when The Passion came out, it was just mocked up and down and was very anti-Semetic. He was right in a sense, because after I watched the film I felt like kicking the shit out of Stern, who is Jewish. Then, it was the election in 2004 and his entire show consisted of not getting Bush reelected. Everything was the "American Taliban" this, "American Taliban" that. Basically, he turned into a whiney ass pussy that didn't get his way and everyone was out to get him.

I believe the FCC has more than overstepped its bounds, and side with Howard on that. But, I honestly don't think you should be mocked for whatever you believe whether it's political, religious, or sexual preference. That's where he has alienated me along the way, because if the elections were today, I'd vote for Bush again over Kerry. Do I think Bush is a good president? No, but the circumstances what they are/were, I felt as though it would do far more harm to remove him.


Sal and Richard were some great additions that helped offset all of Stern's whining, and I'm almost tempted to order Sirius to hear the revelations bit, but aside from that, it's no big loss to me. I'll miss the WhackPack and Artie and Fred, but that's about it.

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odaen why would Stern bitch about the relgious right ?? Cause they've been on his ass since day one. And why does Stern so strongly oppose Bush. Because the religious right played a MAJOR role in getting Bush re-elected. Thats not opinion there either. Bush and the repubs played the religion card and won.

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The Religious Right votes Republican every election. Vote turnout was typical, so it wasn't as though a huge influx of voters decided to go vote, that normally wouldn't. If anything, it's puzzling to me that Kerry didn't win with as much media support as he got. Michael Moore's film was huge and conveniently arrived during the election year. Stern's audience is millions, and you know who he was rooting for. Look how many free concerts were done by huge f'n names in music all to sway young voters who are typically Democrat.



Stern's downfall was that Viacom and the other large media outlets didn't have the balls to take the FCC to court.

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Thank God :notworthy:  :notworthy:  :notworthy:


Yea and now all us folk who don't belive in the invisible man in the sky, or beleive in other gods will have to suffer for it.


Stupid little example, but Im gonna say it anyways. No Sunday hunting allowed in Pennsylvania.... because its a day of worshop. Worshop my ass, I need that sunday to kill innocent wildlife :lol:

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Stupid little example, but Im gonna say it anyways.  No Sunday hunting allowed in Pennsylvania.... because its a day of worshop.  Worshop my ass, I need that sunday to kill innocent wildlife :lol:


You gotta be kidding me, that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard of. Being from a red state and just after spending the last week hunting (including 2 sundays) i'd venture to think your state being blue may have more to do with it.

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