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I have a buddy thats all into "death metal". He always has me listen to some of it just to see if I like it. :shrugani: He has all sorts of it and some is ok but I just cant stand the "lyrics" cuz to me it sounds like a cat chokeing on a hair ball. Don't get me wrong- these guys are really talented and its amazing at how well they can play. I know that the pace and intensity is crazy but for me its gets to where its all so fast it sounds the same. He has played Nevermore for me and I liked allot of that along with a few other CDs. But personaly I prefer Pantera or bands that are about that heavy. I think its cool that christian's are geting heavier and heavier. At my church our bands rock out allot harder than most people would ever think and its awsome. I guess if the christian bands you guys are talking about call it death metal then I would say that doesn't make much sense to me like hell driver said. However to say that a christain is disobeyiong "rules" by hearing "death metal" is what a typical no beliver may think. Obviously Iam no priest but being a christian IS NOT about being perfect and having all sorts of rules. I just think its nice to hear some heavier music thats not quite as morbid as death metal is. But to each its cuz Iam sure probably everyone of you have a metal album in your collection that I either like or own myself. :shrugani:


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hell ya. Nevemore is a kick ass band,, and they are far from death metal,, i saw them not too long ago,,

and like i said in a earlier post death metal is my prefered style of music, but i do lsiten to all sorts of metal , hell i even listen to some good ol southern white thrash rock, lol



or how about mixing southern rock with metal,,, like bands like Nashville Pussy damn thats some good shit

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and now, youre wrong here,,, you see there is a reason why death metal is called DEATH metal,,, its because of the brutality of the music, and because of the subject matter, usually dealing with death, gore, horror, and such nice things liket that,, while black metal is mostly satanic,, but death metal can also be,, IE, Deicide


now if a christan wants to do this style,, it would not be called death metal , but something more alonmg the lines of Life metal,,, and christian playig death metal is just too funny anyways,, i mean isnt a christian supposed to stay away from things that are supoosed evil,, now at one point  they had  to listen to death metal to know what type of music to play, thefore disobeying one the  the christian rules

and stryper are very poor nowadays,,, and i do know alot of bands and band members that are in the death metal world, and have made more money than stryper,,, but do i care,, NO,, i dont judge a band by how popular they are,, actually if a band i like  hits the main stream,, i actually lose interest


but in case you need to check something new out,, check out the new cd,, from the band "Paths of possession", it has corpsegrinder "cannibal corpse" vocalist  on this one,, and it is less death metal than CC,, very good shit


and BTW  slipknot is NOT a thrash metal band :rolleyes:


and how is CC outdated??

if you mean outdated cause they play "real" metal, dont wear eyeliner, dont look like a bunch of wiggers, dont sing about good things, dont bend to silly trends,, than ok, yup they are outdated,,




you clearly are misguided on this subject friend ,i never called it death metal did i? show me where i said death metal? i said its good shit and worth listening to.and why do you think there needs to be satan involved in the music to be good or heavy is all i m sayin ,wtf does satan have to do with screaming guitar riffs and drums beating a thousand miles an hour? only satanic people are allowed to play heavy music ?show me in the bible where it says christians cant play loud heavy music.sorry your logic makes no sense . maybe youve been listening to too much cookie monster cannible queers. :evil: cannibal corpse couldnt sell out a fuckin local county fair .so you think wearing gloss and the glam image is lame, yet you think a couple singers in a bloody mummy outfits or a skinny punk wearing a halloween mask from Kmart is tough and hardcore ?you thin k these guys go home after recording and drink blood from a virgin womb or a goats head :rolleyes: its a pharce, its a fake image to get weak minded people such as yourself to spend their money .i listen to what kicksass and not guys with scary halloween dressed band members who basically sound like dog shit . :cheers:

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well it seams stryper has lasted ohh what about 3 or 4 years, :rotflmao:


while cannibal corpse is going 18 years still strong,, and they sell every time i saw em


ansd like i said who cares about if people like them,, they are not for the meak,,, you can keep your mainstream shit



and when did the cokie monster have a gutural l voice? :rolleyes:


and show me where cc wear scarey outfits



and you called it thrash,, and it is clearly NOT thrash. do you even know what thrash metal bands are?


and no not all metal has to be evil, or satanic,, but when i listen to death metal,, that is what i expect, ist what i want, its the way it should be played,, kinda like going to see a gore flick,, you know what t youre gonna get, and you expect it,, now i wouldnt want my southern rock to be saying chop the body up, praise satan,,, so i listen to that for what it for also,,, thats all im saying


but you have to also understand, a big part of metal weather its death or regular metal, or whatever is rebellion ,, its a part of metal ,,

Edited by helldriver
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and no not all metal has to be evil, or satanic,, but when i listen to death metal,, that is what i expect, its what i want, its the way it should be played,, kinda like going to see a gore flick,, you know what t youre gonna get, and you expect it,, now i wouldnt want my southern rock to be saying chop the body up, praise satan,,, so i listen to that for what it for also,,, thats all im saying


but you have to also understand, a big part of metal weather its death or regular  metal, or whatever is  rebellion  ,, its a part of metal ,,



"Chop the body up, praise satan"...you intentionally seek out and listen to bands that spout that kind of shit?


I'm like a lot of you guys in that I like a broad range of musical styles. Like you said, metal, southern rock...it's all good. Most bands suck for the most part but they might have one or two good songs that I like. For example, ZZ top sucks for the most part but what is the name of that one song with the bluesey sounding riff talking about...Jesus done left chicago...and He's bound for New Orleans...

working from one to another, and all points inbetween...Ahhhhh take me with you JESUS!!! :headbang:


Anybody know what song I'm talking about? Not metal but that song rocks. They know whats going down. :shrugani:

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