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Ol' Tookie took four lives

Blue Duece

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And to top it off, 2 weeks from Christmas some assfuck is filing a lawsuit to have the Utah Highway Patrol crosses taken down from various spots along Utahs roadways. He claims the state is proseletysing (sp), and his religious freedoms have been trod upon.


These are crosses up for UHP that have been killed in the line of duty.

I hope santa shits in that guys stocking this year.


he was on o'reilly the other night and made a fool of himself.

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yeah but the white mans guilty, the Negro on the other hand has been framed, he's being opressed by the Honkie, if a black robs a store and shoots the clerk for a six pack and some chips you gotta remember the white man drove him to do it, we shoulda just picked our own fuckin cotton, this counrty would have been a lot better off :headbang:


now i agree that he should fry like chicken at kfc...but wat kinda dickhead are you???...this country would have been alot better off?...your ignorant :shootself:

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yeah but the white mans guilty, the Negro on the other hand has been framed, he's being opressed by the Honkie, if a black robs a store and shoots the clerk for a six pack and some chips you gotta remember the white man drove him to do it, we shoulda just picked our own fuckin cotton, this counrty would have been a lot better off :headbang:


Hurricane Katrina was our fault also, you know they think Bush conjured that shit up.

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he was on o'reilly the other night and made a fool of himself.


I wish I could have seen that.


The guy is doing it to just be an asshat I'm thinking. He just wants the press time and his 15 minutes.


What a joke. On the crosses it doesn't say "Jesus blah blah blah" its says the officers name, and I think a date. There is a rest stop about 10 minutes from my house that has 2 or 3, but the UDOT has been using it as a place to park their trucks and equipment while they put in light rail, so I'll just have to wait to fill my curiosity.


Pretty soon people will be bitching about crosses placed along the roadway in memoriam of someone that died. Just like the 19 year old fireman/emt/father killed last year a block from my house on his motorcycle when some kid coming the other way pulled the e-brake, slid across 4 lanes and hit him head on at 11 pm. There has been a cross there ever since, and I have no complaints about it. Actually I think its justified. I hope it stays there forever. :shrugani:

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now i agree that he should fry like chicken at kfc...but wat kinda dickhead are you???...this country would have been alot better off?...your ignorant :shootself:


yeah, you got that right, when was the last time you saw Jesse, Al or Lewis raise a stink over a white boy? name me three wite assholes that are all over the media evertime some white murdering bastards gonna die, fucking Jesse proclaimed OJ simpson was getting picked on.....micheal jackson had nothing to do with fucking little boys, im thinking your ignorant.it was a black man, the reverend Al Peterson who said and I quote " I always said if you took the white man out of the country it would be a ghetto in ten years, I was wrong it only took three days in Louisiana" and you can go ahead and correct me anytime im wrong about one of these assholes, id love to hear it and yes i do think we'd be better off, take all the KKK, the priests who fuck kids all the poor picked on 6th grade graduate blacks (cause they were to busy robbing a house) and ship them the fuck out, then take the hard working upstanding blacks, whites, browns and yellows and give them a fucking society where they dont have to listen to a bunch of horseshit every day of every fucking year

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hell yeah brooke that sherrif is my hero


i am with blue on this one tho

i dont look at myself as being racist but every day i see another black man do something that makes me feel more and more racist in my ways

they always hafta whine about us mean rich filthy white folk but its those same wealthy whites who pay the big taxes that support the welfare system they so many people mouch off of


jesse jackson they need to put a big needle in that assholes arm right beside him


what a joke that loser is

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Jesse and Al don't get paid unless they keep their bandwagon rolling, but there are just as many white opportunists as black, who are willing to sell out to the almighty dollar for the sake of all types of injustices. Peace sells but who's buying? It's going to be awhile before peace is back on the market the way shit is shaping up. The black man from the ghetto who smokes crack and is on welfare is offset by the white man from the meth house who also is on welfare...and smokes crack. It's the white kids taking the guns to school and killing their classmates though. I don't know...black Tookie, white Tookie...a Tookies a Tookie. :huh:

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Jesse and Al don't get paid unless they keep their bandwagon rolling, but there are just as many white opportunists as black, who are willing to sell out to the almighty dollar for the sake of all types of injustices. Peace sells but who's buying?  It's going to be awhile before peace is back on the market the way shit is shaping up. The black man from the ghetto who smokes crack and is on welfare is offset by the white man from the meth house who also is on welfare...and smokes crack.  It's the white kids taking the guns to school and killing their classmates though.  I don't know...black Tookie, white Tookie...a Tookies a Tookie.  :huh:


You're spot on with that one.

I haven't seen a "black" person in my town in the 6 years I've lived here, but the white trash welfare cases are enormous. The gas station 2 blocks from my house gets robbed every now and again by some white trash meth head carrying a brick. Oh, and that gas station is across the street from the police station. Tells you what caliber of people we're dealing with.


I had some immigrant Mexican neighbors but they sold their house and moved on out of this dump. Working 15 hours days paid off for them. I wish they would have stayed. They were good neighbors and always kept their yard looking nice. The ass hole living on the other side of me that doesn't have a job, keeps lurking around at night. To the point I'm carrying an 18" bar of 1/2" square steel with a handle on it when I go out at night to take the garbage out.


A tookie is a tookie.

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Good point!


The black man from the ghetto who smokes crack and is on welfare is offset by the white man from the meth house who also is on welfare...and smokes crack.  It's the white kids taking the guns to school and killing their classmates though.  I don't know...black Tookie, white Tookie...a Tookies a Tookie.  :huh:


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Jesse and Al don't get paid unless they keep their bandwagon rolling, but there are just as many white opportunists as black, who are willing to sell out to the almighty dollar for the sake of all types of injustices. Peace sells but who's buying?  It's going to be awhile before peace is back on the market the way shit is shaping up. The black man from the ghetto who smokes crack and is on welfare is offset by the white man from the meth house who also is on welfare...and smokes crack.  It's the white kids taking the guns to school and killing their classmates though.  I don't know...black Tookie, white Tookie...a Tookies a Tookie.  :huh:


great explanation could not have bee said better than that

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i have to agree...but ive never seen a bunch of white guys step up after a white kid blows up a school and proclaims some bullshit contrary to the fact that the kid exploded the campus, jesse, al and lewis are all full of shit because they only step up on behalf of the wronged blackman thats a little one sided, thats no different than the KKK or the Skinheads..............

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i have to agree...but ive never seen a bunch of white guys step up after a white kid blows up a school and proclaims some bullshit contrary to the fact that the kid exploded the campus, jesse, al and lewis are all full of shit because they only step up on behalf of the wronged blackman thats a little one sided, thats no different than the KKK or the Skinheads..............


but most of the men they support show a drastic change . do the school shooters???

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theres no shortage of white,green ,yellow ,red pieces of human shit in this world ,but what blue is saying is when its scott peterson is being killed ,a nation of whites will gladly clap as that needles is going in his arm being scott is white ,jesse al ,and all the washed up 60's gray pony tail folk singers wont be singing "give peace a chance or reciting poems . in case youve been asleep ,theres a huge bias going on in this country IMO ,i have nothing against blacks, i have balck friends !but alot of them will go through any means to play the race card even when the penalty is clearly justified as was in the is case . alot of peeps were worried the blacks would riot if he was injected ,but they didnt ,you know why?probably cause after all the bullshit played out they knew deep in their heart of hearts he was guilty and deserved it . look at oj orwacko jacko l ,all clearly guilty ,its a shame when theres unbelivable evidence even DNA and we stil cant convict known killers casue were concerned the balck community might cause an upheival in society. i didnt see al or jesse in La. doing much of anything to help blacks :confused: just like these fuckin black rappers ,they cry and bitch how horrible and unfair their race has it compared to whites ,yet when they finally rise up and get rich/and known ,do they donate al l their time,efforts ,wealth, and fame to their cause ? fuck no ,they buy gold teeth,gold bath tubs and multi million dollar mansions w/ rolls royce cars and speak about gang bangin,fuckin chics,beating on people and do nothing good for this world . when they die theyll have no legacy,just a shit stain in life .the sad part is blacks really have no prominent role models to look up to ,maybe michael jordon ,but even he was caught cheating on his wife <_<

Edited by rocketboy
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theres no shortage of white,green ,yellow ,red  pieces of human shit in this world ,but what blue is saying is when its scott peterson  is being killed ,a nation of whites will gladly clap as that needles is going in his arm  being scott is  white ,jesse al ,and all the washed up 60's gray pony tail folk singers wont be  singing "give peace a chance or reciting poems . in case youve been asleep ,theres a huge bias going on in this country IMO ,i have nothing against blacks, i have balck friends !but alot of them  will go through any means to play the race card  even when the penalty is clearly justified as was in the is case . alot of peeps were worried the blacks would riot if he was injected ,but they didnt ,you know why?probably  cause after all the bullshit played out they knew deep in their heart of hearts  he was guilty and deserved it . look at oj orwacko jacko l ,all clearly guilty ,its a shame when theres unbelivable evidence even DNA and we stil cant convict known killers casue were concerned the balck community  might cause an upheival in society. i didnt see al or jesse in La. doing much of anything to help blacks  :confused:  just like these fuckin black rappers ,they cry and bitch how horrible and unfair their race  has it compared to whites ,yet when they finally rise up and get rich/and known  ,do they donate al l their time,efforts ,wealth, and  fame to their cause ? fuck no ,they buy gold teeth,gold bath tubs  and multi million dollar mansions w/ rolls royce cars and speak about gang bangin,fuckin chics,beating on people  and  do nothing good for this world  . when they die theyll have no legacy,just  a shit stain in life .the sad part  is blacks really have no prominent role models to look up to ,maybe michael jordon ,but even he was caught cheating on his wife  <_<



I like your style...




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Yep, I gotta say when it comes to the rappers well just look at them. The White mans holding them down even though its the white man that propelled them into platinum level sales such as Mary J Blige. Only bitch, never do anything about it. Think they know everything and deserve respect and everyone should listen to them. Kayne anyone? We all know 50 Cent's really the only reason Kayne got picked up in the first place.


Second when I hear people (blacks) try and defend thier stance I've heard it dozens of times personally and about got into brawls over my response. But they will say You white folks brought us over from Africa against our will you owe us. Well You wanna go back I'll pay for your ticket, go live in complete poverty where everyones has aids and the life expectancy isn't half of ours. Hell as far as I see it you owe us for saving your ass from that hell hole over there.

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