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Ol' Tookie took four lives

Blue Duece

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I don't like the thought of criminals sitting in prision for life. If they are guilty without a doubt then they should be taken behind the court house and issued a 35cent bullit. Sure, they don't even deserve that-I agree that that is far to nice. But they sure as hell don't deserve a "second chance" or hundreds of thousands of dollars. These animals live better than the homless who have done nothing wrong. They are kept warm, giviin food, and got what I pay every month for, weight room. As for these celebrities pullin their shit... Not sure if I even want to get started. Its funny that people who have no claim to being any more educated than you or I get to use their lame ass fame as ammo for their own agenda. Just don't see why their opinions matter... banghead -Oh news just said T-minus couple hours :cheers:


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like brooke pointed out about 1pm today arnold passed on letting tookie live, so at 12:01 tonight its adios pendejo and i agree the death penality is absurd, its not an eye for an eye as i said earlyer this bastard gets to go night night and just not wake up an eye for an eye would be if we stuck a 12 gage shot gun to his face and pulled the trigger, half the bastards on death row will die of old age, these naacp fucks in LA are now saying tookie was framed..every fucking time a black man, gets repremanded for his actions he's being picked on by the white man.....where the fuck was jesse jackson when david westerfield got the death sentence for butt fucking little 8 year old samantha runion and strangleing her? but michael jackson sodomizes kids and he's a fucking saint........im not raciest but im getting real fucking close, im begining to wish all the fucking holyer than thou blacks would take there fucking asses back to africa and turn some other country into a fucking ghetto, and suck off someone elses tax dollar....we could have video of the killings and theyed say its all fake, but like i said ive yet to see one of these rightous bastards step up for a white killer, if a black gets pulled over in LA he jumps out of his car and proclaims "you pulled me over cause im black" and the cop replies well acually your right brake light is out, but the crack pipe you droped when you jumped out of the car is a no no and that 9mm under your seat isnt cool, and all the way through court the fucker cries whittie set him up.......but on a lighter note........sala vie Tookie....... :dance::dance::dance::dance:

Edited by Blue Duece
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Blue deuce yo u got my vote for president next election  :clap:


Thanks Rocket but i wouldn't take that gig for all the tea in china......I think I forgot to mention all afternoon the blacks have been walking on the street outside my studio with signs that read everything from tookies innocent to the governors a murderer, see these motherfuckers forget this bastard KILLED FOUR PEOPLE!!!!!!!! i cant wait for the next time some white sociopath kills a bunch of black people, but the chances of that happening are probally slim to none

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You mean, like a Ritz, or perhaps a Saltine? Those suck ass with milk.

Someone should offer him a graham cracker.





:rotflmao: He's better off just sticking with the milk. The graham cracker may have strayed from the true purpose of the milk. I'm not saying graham crackers aren't

good. j/k :blink:

As to my ethnic food comment above; black people know I like to eat steak and seafood. I like cheese on my veggies and gravy on my taters, unless their fried.

Yellows runny, but not the whites (what's that called?). I drink bud for a week or two and then I switch to miller high life for a week or two, and then back again...coors light or corona in the summer though. I think we can agree that all races in this world have their fair share of psychopaths.

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I was listening to a talk radio show today, and they were doing the show live from the prison. Basically the whole show was interviewing the idiots standing outside protesting. This isn't a softball show either, they straight up ask people the real questions.


On the air, they were in the middle of this interview with Jesse Jackson, and the host blurted out the next question of "Jesse, can you tell us the names of the 4 victims killed by tookie?". Jesse Jackson went silent. lol. He had absolutely no clue, and neither did any of the protesters. The host was yelling at the crowd, "I've got $20 for anyone with a pro-tookie sign to tell me the names of his victims". lol. The shit was great.


Later in the show, they said Jesse Jackson was walking around whoring it up for any TV camera's he could find, and as he was walking by they started yelling, "What are the names of the victims?? Why don't you media hacks ask him that question" hahaha.

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like brooke pointed out about 1pm today arnold passed on letting tookie live, so at 12:01 tonight its adios pendejo and i agree the death penality is absurd, its not an eye for an eye as i said earlyer this bastard gets to go night night and just not wake up an eye for an eye would be if we stuck a 12 gage shot gun to his face and pulled the trigger, half the bastards on death row will die of old age, these naacp fucks in LA are now saying tookie was framed..every fucking time a black man, gets repremanded for his actions he's being picked on by the white man.....where the fuck was jesse jackson when david westerfield got the death sentence for butt fucking little 8 year old samantha runion and strangleing her? but michael jackson sodomizes kids and he's a fucking saint........im not raciest but im getting real fucking close, im begining to wish all the fucking holyer than thou blacks would take there fucking asses back to africa and turn some other country into a fucking ghetto, and suck off someone elses tax dollar....we could have video of the killings and theyed say its all fake, but like i said ive yet to see one of these rightous bastards step up for a white killer, if a black gets pulled over in LA he jumps out of his car and proclaims "you pulled me over cause im black" and the cop replies well acually your right brake light is out, but the crack pipe you droped when you jumped out of the car is a no no and that 9mm under your seat isnt cool, and all the way through court the fucker cries whittie set him up.......but on a lighter note........sala vie Tookie....... :dance:  :dance:  :dance:  :dance:


so if that is the case where should we take charles manson? he was such a model citizen he should have been fried long time ago and jeffery domer the uni bomber if i am correct all those guys were white i think they just draw your name out of a hat to see who goes to sleep next in my book a criminal is all the same black or white

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this man is my hero regarding the way prison systems should be ran :headbang:


make them work their asses off if you have the manpower to do it is the way i see it or make them sit in the cell and stare at the walls all day everyday..


that was my thoughts on it before i started studying criminal justice and working around inmates..but then when you start seeing it from the other side you realize why they give them small things such as tv...these guys/girls know how to play the system...i guess my point here is...would you rather offer them such a small thing as a tv or pay for every psych med there is?? because these people know exactly what few words it is they have to say to get the good meds.....it takes one person to figure out one small flaw in the system than somehow every other inmates in the jail is trying to pull the same thing


my reply here is not to offer an excuse for the way prisons and county jails are ran because trust me...its very frustrating to see how well these people are treated for committing crimes....my only reasoning for replying is to offer reasoning as to why such small luxuries are offered

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kill domer(well he's dead so thats done) manson didnt actually kill anyone but he should be dead as well, the uni bomber should die also........but you dont see whittie claiming everyone is raciest when a white criminal dies and theres blacks browns and yellows on those jurys.........by the way that was john cobalt whitey heard on the radio and he left out the part where fuckin jackson proclaimed he spent days reviewing the case and tookie was inocent yet he didnt know 1 of the victims names, i personally dont think there should be a life in prison sentence if youve done something so fucking bad you need a life sentence death is the same thing, you die in prison and it should be a fucking 2 week process, other countries laugh at our stupid asses, go to china and kill someone, you dont get to spend the rest of your life playing basketball lifting weights (being in a prison gang) anyone in prison can get a bindle of speed faster than i can walk across the street and buy a pack of smokes, we spend billions a year of our taxes supporting these fucks, you dont wanna die, dont kill anyone its really simple to understand...........

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