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Ol' Tookie took four lives

Blue Duece

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The only thing I hate about life in prison is the price tag.


Maybe they should leave him awake and put Clorox and Raid in his syringes.


That's the thing they need to get rid of cable tv, weight rooms, seeing the sun, give them concrete beds with absolutely no possesions, and rotate butt buddies on a weekly basis, and give them the exact same crappy meal everyday. Never been to prison but I wouldn't be surprised if some had all you can eat buffets now. Make it so it's a horrible place and so that people don't want to be there under any circumstances.


Word on the Clorox and Raid. :headbang:

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I totally agree, prison should be a horrible place but all these stupid activist are trying to make prison like a motel now, some shows i have seen show people in prison who never want to leave because its a better life for them in jail than in the real world.


but on the flip side, If there is a POSSIBILTY of the person being inocent, dont they deserve the chance to prove themselves, I dont think there is anything more fucked up than someone in prison for a crime they did not commit. espeacialy if they are on death row.


Tooky for example still says he is inocent, and to honostly I believe that we still should give him a chance, if he has fessed up to everything else why wouldnt he fess up to killing the people.


on the flip side of that, If he has not fessed up and their IS undeniable evidence of him killing all those people than i agree he should die, hell he should have died a long time ago, i am all for an eye for an eye, he should die how he killed those people.


these are just my thoughts, i dont know all the evidence in the case so i cant say for cetain if he is guilty, but if he is shoot him in his motha fukin skull.

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I personally don't agree with the death penalty for simple moral reasons, but I also think that the prison system has become way too comfortable for the real criminals. The worst ones need to be stuck in a box and studied like lab rats, just so we can get some idea how to stop people like them from getting away with their crimes.


Tookie Williams was found guilty for murdering 4 innocent people. 'Nuff said. Stick him in a dark hole for the rest of his life, along with the rest of his scumbag buddies.


A listener called into a Sacramento radio station last week, saying that he was a LA police officer in the '70's and '80's. He said that Tookie Williams was the prime suspect in at least 15 other murders, but that they could never develop the evidence to indict him. I know the LAPD isn't the most reliable bunch, but it sounds to me like we should all be happy he is behind bars. I say leave him there for good.

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anyone who doesnt agree with the death penalty should really take a few miuntes and look at whats left of that innocent babys face after this n***** shot it :angry: . these arent human beings their puttng to death ,this is a creture,all humans have a universal concept of good and evil , its pretty wild that anybody would willing defend him and i dont give a phuck if he wrote childrens books ,that doesnt really count whe n you also murder children IMO , <_< i hope arnie lives up to his name as the terminator and when tookie is put to death i think arnold should say nationally " he wont be back" :headbang: ,snoop dog is another worthless piece of hollywoood feces who thinks we should listen to him eve n though his IQ must be equivalant to his shoe size :flush: jane fonda ,sean penn ,snoop ,al sharpton ,ol'jesse and a host of others should have their eyelids taped open and be all made to witness him die, and when his last breathe comes out.. confette and a disco ball should fall for m the ceiling and al l the victums family should be issued noisemakers , party hats and whistles ! :cheers:

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We all agree on the death penalty, but all that ***** shit is a little uncalled for :confused::confused: Just my 2 cents. I still think he should be fried :evil:


anyone who doesnt agree with the  death penalty should really take a few miuntes and look at whats left of that innocent babys face after this n*****  shot it  :angry: .


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I personally don't agree with the death penalty for simple moral reasons,


Believe me yammerhammer98 if those dead victims were your relatives youd be singing a different tune.

IMO you should have no say on wether the death penalty is"legal" unless it directly effects your family. Both victims and murderers families.



See that picture earlier of the girl face down in her own blood, my sister and two of her friends had the same thing done to them and what did they get out of it? The criminals didn't get a dime and all 3 are in prison 2 facing death. I'll be damned if my family wont do everything in our power to get and eye for an eye!!!!!!!!!!

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i believe when a criminal is found guilty they should be handed over to the victims family or families to carry out what ever punishment they feel he should have as long as the criminal is publically tortured before he or she is killed so that anyone else that gets the idea to commit a violent crime gets to see what the punishment will be.

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all that ***** shit is a little uncalled for :confused


i understand ,but im really not one to call peeps names based on color alone ,i go on personal merit ,and i honestly think most everyone feels he fits that name well ,am i wrong ???? :confused:

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Sorry to hear about your personal tragedy; nobody should have to go through something like that. I've had a couple of close friends murdered in the past, and I'll admit that eye-for-an-eye retribution probably would have made me feel better at the time. The prick that murdered my high school buddy only served 4 f*cking years!


I just think serious criminals (like murderers, armed robbers, child rapists,etc.)should spend the rest of their lives in a real prison, like the ones you see in third-world countries. Fearing for their lives from other inmates, eating roach infested food, bathing in their own piss, etc. That's real punishment.


Believe me, I won't cry any tears when Tookie bites the dust. I just have a problem with state sanctioned executions, especially when the rest of the criminal justice system is so lenient on these turds of society.


Just my opinion. Like assholes, everybody has one!

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I just think serious criminals (like murderers, armed robbers, child rapists,etc.)should spend the rest of their lives in a real prison, like the ones you see in third-world countries. Fearing for their lives from other inmates, eating roach infested food, bathing in their own piss, etc. That's real punishment.




that would be nice, but thats not how our prison system is. and it never will be.

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