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Ol' Tookie took four lives

Blue Duece

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YUP!!  100% no doubt.  people need to take RESPONSIBILITY for themselves and their actions. not enough of that going on these days in all aspects of society. 

maybe im a cold blooded bitch, but ive lost an awful lot of people close to me who didnt in any way deserve to die, so relative or not, if you fuck up to that degree..... fuck you. 

anyone who stands up for this scum bag doesnt get it.  life is prescious and thats exactly why monsters like this should be killed.



I've come to the conclusion its the damn shrinks fault that society is falling apart. Making us get in touch with our feelings, and having to respect everyone else, trying not to hurt anybodys feelings. Nobody can take responsibility for their own actions anymore. Its always somebody elses fault.


"I only shot those people cause my parents didn't treat me right, so its their fault. And since the government would take me out of that house, its the governments fault too. I didn't know any better"

Bullshit, somebody commits murder kill them. Save the trial and put a bullet in their head.

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I'm kinda hoping there is going to be a "blacklist" (sorry if that offends anyone...its what they are called) of these hollywood precious special celebrities trying to defend him. I'd like to see some carrers ended by this honestly. Celebrities need to be put in their place imho.


Seeing those pictures only makes me more sickened by them and their flagrant taunts and jabs at the justice system. They need to go back to their gated communities, and to their $40,000,000 homes with the 10 foot security fences, get into their $500,000 water fall pools and let the system do its intended job. Who knows, maybe one day one of their loved ones (like Bill Cosbys son, Venus and Serena Williams sister, or Michael Jordans dad) will be gunned down and they'll find themselves on the other side of the picket line screaming for the same justice they cried foul about years earlier.



I always wondered why the celebs think there opinion miss more than piss on the sidewalk... I rather them just shut the fuck up and drink there mocha....




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aint that the truth Stan................ according to the crips in LA tookie should die, he braught so much attention to there gang from the cops, they do have a code about killing what they call "civillians", thats why there were so many attempts on tookies ass in the slammer he "shamed" them, they call snoop uncle tom, every murder ive heard about from the crips or the bloods was a bastard that deserved to die as most of the assholes do, you front some guy 10k in dope and he stiffs you, you kill him, someone shoots your fellow criminal, you shoot him, just typical ganster shit, now theres rumors of a riot in LA if he dies monday night, but if he doesnt it will be arnolds last day in office, i wonder if all the whites will protest come time to kill scott peterson, and more whites have seen capital punishment than the good ol allways picked on black man

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I always wondered why the celebs think there opinion miss more than piss on the sidewalk... I rather them just shut the fuck up and drink there mocha....



My dad and I have talked about this very subject, and more so extensively after this last election.


He came to the conclusion that after all the years of them pretending to be something they aren't for money (acting) and having people praise them, and throw millions of dollars at them, placing them on these figurative pedestals they start to meld their fantasy with reality. I think a majority of them are megalomaniacs.


They think that because "everyone loves them" that they can lead us around by a ring in our nose. Ever hear Camron Diaz speak about voting? Brad Pitt discuss stem cell research? Tom Cruise spew on about psychology? They all stammer and stutter and ramble on, and the second someone corners them with an intended "check mate" they either change the subject or get more wound up in an attempted effort to control the situation. They literally act as if they are someone important with something important to say, yet they really have no script to follow so its more like improv.


I don't think for one second any leader of ANY country gives 2 fucks about what Angelina Jolie has to say about starving kids. Oh, sure, shes a GoodWill Embassador, but honestly.....If some hot woman wanted to come over and talk you into buying a vaccuum, you'd do it. You wouldn't even hear 1/2 the words she said. You'd be too busy staring at her juggz, and thinking about sniffing (pooning as it were) the chair she has been sitting on. :shrugani:


Not every celebrity is a vacuous imbecile, but the ones that happen to know something are far and few between, and for the most part, I think they are the ones that don't care to be in the spot light.

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My dad and I have talked about this very subject, and more so extensively after this last election.


He came to the conclusion that after all the years of them pretending to be something they aren't for money (acting) and having people praise them, and throw millions of dollars at them, placing them on these figurative pedestals they start to meld their fantasy with reality. I think a majority of them are megalomaniacs.


They think that because "everyone loves them" that they can lead us around by a ring in our nose. Ever hear Camron Diaz speak about voting? Brad Pitt discuss stem cell research? Tom Cruise spew on about psychology? They all stammer and stutter and ramble on, and the second someone corners them with an intended "check mate" they either change the subject or get more wound up in an attempted effort to control the situation. They literally act as if they are someone important with something important to say, yet they really have no script to follow so its more like improv.


I don't think for one second any leader of ANY country gives 2 fucks about what Angelina Jolie has to say about starving kids. Oh, sure, shes a GoodWill Embassador, but honestly.....If some hot woman wanted to come over and talk you into buying a vaccuum, you'd do it. You wouldn't even hear 1/2 the words she said. You'd be too busy staring at her juggz, and thinking about sniffing (pooning as it were) the chair she has been sitting on. :shrugani:


Not every celebrity is a vacuous imbecile, but the ones that happen to know something are far and few between, and for the most part, I think they are the ones that don't care to be in the spot light.



You hit the nail on the head... Hell if I had bitches beatin down my door 8 days a week and making more money in one day than the average man makes in a year I might feel somewhat special... until then... I'll tell brad pitt to kiss my nuts the same way I would to the guy down the road...




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bye bye tookie-Calif. High Court Refuses Williams' Stay

The California Supreme Court late Sunday refused to grant a stay of execution for convicted killer Stanley Tookie Williams, meaning the former gang leader who became an outspoken critic of gang violence will be executed early Tuesday unless the governor grants clemency or a last-ditch federal

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Tom Cruise spew on about psychology?


Talk about a guy that's screwed up :whoa:


I'm all for ending Tookie's life but lately i've kind of determined that capital punishment is wrong. Capital punishment is too damn easy, bring back stuff that hurts please. I think life in prison would be horrible, i'd kill myself if I got life. I still say you take the bastard and strap his naked ass to a board in the desert, cut a slit in his ballsack to attract tiny desert creatures, hope the birds peck his eyes out and hope he lives long enough to feel the animals eat him from the inside out.

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Talk about a guy that's screwed up :whoa:


I'm all for ending Tookie's life but lately i've kind of determined that capital punishment is wrong. Capital punishment is too damn easy, bring back stuff that hurts please.  I think life in prison would be horrible, i'd kill myself if I got life.  I still say you take the bastard and strap his naked ass to a board in the desert, cut a slit in his ballsack to attract tiny desert creatures, hope the birds peck his eyes out and hope he lives long enough to feel the animals eat him from the inside out.



Excellent point.

He's getting out in a matter of minutes...painless minutes. At least he is going to sweat it out for a while. The only thing I hate about life in prison is the price tag. So what they need to start doing is not locking them down, but making them work to pay for their stay at the grey bar motel. If they won't work, out come the dogs or the tazers or what ever. I've seen low level convicts cleaning up shit off of the side of the road. If one of them gets hit by a person not paying attention, big deal. They could put high level criminals to work in sweat shops. Work them so hard that they won't have the energy to cause problems. If they refuse to work, "persuade" them otherwise :evil:


Lethal injection is easy. 3 seperate chemicals, one of which puts him to sleep so he isn't concious when they pump him full of potassium chloride to gently stop his heart.


Maybe they should leave him awake and put Clorox and Raid in his syringes.

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The families of the victims should be allowed an afternoon with him, and they should not be held responsible for their actions. They could let him go, or peel his skin off with vice-grips. Their choice.

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