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Little Sahara, OK


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Just as soon as we get some warm weather i will go!  Im sure i will still go again yet before X mas if i get a warm day or 2.


You will freeze to death, it was around 45 degrees in NE Oklahoma all week (day time) :ph34r: . I dont plan on going until it warms up to atleast 70 :dance: ...

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sprinkles?? what dunes were u at? where i was it poured all night long and clear until the next day..


ok it did pour cus we all got soaked coming from south to north camp .. me wes,led,bro and freinds ..we was going as fast as you could go nail the brakes at the tops and hit the gas for the next dune... it was fun to laugh about afterwards thou....

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ok  it did pour  cus we all got soaked coming from south to north camp  ..  me wes,led,bro and freinds  ..we was going as fast as you could go nail the brakes at the tops and hit the gas for the next dune...  it was fun to laugh about afterwards thou....


i dont think i would have worried about the rain so much if i had been prepared for it. (clothes and that kinda shit)..i didnty bring enough stuff to be gettin all wet..and i didnt think the rain was gonna let upon saturday..turns out it did and i wish i had stayed oh well..spring ride will be better.

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You will freeze to death, it was around 45 degrees in NE Oklahoma all week (day time)
Edited by FASTOYS
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I have a question for those of you that go often....I know you can't have glass bottles in the dune area, but can you have them in the campground?



i had always been told that glass bottles were prohibited all together due to the fact that its a state park...but i dont know :confused:

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When is this.. I wanna come play...




March 23rd - 26th :cheers:



i had always been told  that glass bottles were prohibited all together due to the fact that its a state park...but i dont know  :confused:



I thought that too, but when I looked on their website it said no bottles in the dune area, but didn't mention the camp area... :shrugani: I'd rather find out for sure beforehand than get harassed by the rent a cops :)


Hey loco, did you happen to see anyone with glass bottles last time you were there?

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did you happen to see anyone with glass bottles last time you were there?




Not the last time we were there, but the time before that I was there drinkin bottles and the park ranger came up and collected some fees from us. I had my bottle in my hand, he never said anything to me.. So who knows.

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we brougbt bottles of beer there and they were empty when we left :D



Yea I think Stephen emptied mine too. :jesterlaugh: I'm bringing a foley with a leg bag this next time, got tired of trips to the bathroom.

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