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help me on fabric to cover my seat please


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help me out guys who know who know people who cover seat my bike im going for show look but i ride it in grass aces and is tarped when not riding. is it neoprene? velvet what? I need something that looks close to show but can also take an hour a ride a day beating or atleast last decent while and maybe get wet for cleaning.



someone help me out my mom is a seamstress and i wannat recover my bansharoo to match my new blue fullbore 2005+ set.



Anyone got recomendations? I want that wave pattern on the drag bikes but a material that will stretch for the seat and any pre waverned patterns and will stand up to cleaning off/whiping it down maybe get wet.



She specializes in curtains, restoration alterring pretty much all that jazz. I asked her about velvet she said yeah but you can't really get it wet, duh.


help me out guys, reliable fabrics from site what kind and fast turn around. Add info if you need. :cheers:

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Velvet?  That'll last about 10 minutes onm a ride.  Not to mention, ghetto.

I guess, faux leather or vinyl. 

I'd reccomend just buying a seat cover.  Save the headaches.  Putting the god damn things on is hard enough, much less making the thing.




Well what do people use to cover the drag bike seats, ghetto is show term now?? :o didn't know that,joking.. but i've seen some nice drag bike recovered seats.


if not i'll go for a black and my mom can recover anything so that point is moot.


was wondering what fabric the draggers do there seats in with the wave design. :cheers:

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Yes, its velvet! Ever wonder why the seat is missing in most drag bike pics ya see? It's cause they dont want their seat getting wet, dirty or whatever, so they put it on only when its time to head for the strip.


It looks cool on some bikes but mine ain't that far along yet!

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Well what do people use to cover the drag bike seats, ghetto is show term now?? 






The velvet will get ruined. Especially when wet. You will have to replace it often. The draggers (at least at Glamis) have tons of cash. The replace a lot of things a lot of times. If money is no object for you, I doubt this topic will serve much purpose.

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The velvet will get ruined.  Especially when wet.  You will have to replace it often.  The draggers (at least at Glamis) have tons of cash.  The replace a lot of things a lot of times.  If money is no object for you, I doubt this topic will serve much purpose.




thanks buck loco already answered my Q pretty much, thanks loco :cheers:

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