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Can you trace a nextel direct connect number?

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go to www.craigslist.com to the men seeking men section and post their nextel numbers in a gay ad in as many cities as you can.




they will have every *****ala in the country chirping them.now get busy.


damn you taking my ideas but i'll be doin it on aol so i can act talk 2 *****'s and give them the # so they can talk back to me on here saying i gave them the wrong #. :rotflmao:

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It doesn't show his first three Digits because he is in the same area as you. It will show only the numbers that are different then yours. For EX


If my number is 164*555*6012

And yours is 164*555*5552


Then all that will show up for you when I beep you is 6012, because the rest of our numbers match. Hope that makes some sense.

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Actually I am on call yes......

Obviously I can shut it off if I want but I really shouldnt. And they just dont call me at 3am its throughout the day too. I just want to find out who they are because I know i probably know them and if I find out who they are im sure they would give up because the joke is over.

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lol this mug said ziptie the botton down....I think everyone is going to take care of this fool...Someone 2way'd my gf talking about how he can make her screem then asked were she lived..she hung up but then he 2way'd back and I picked up, he siad ''o yah you could'nt resist could you" And I said" Who THe Fuck Is This!!" in a pissed of load toned voice.. He said oh sorry i got the wrong number..I just started lol.. One day when I goto off of work and went home and washed up I went to my girls house only to find her sittin in the living room..I was like wtf becouse there is no tv in the living room everyone has a tv in there bedroom..So I ask her whats up then I seen her x layin in her bed sleeping, Got and instant adn. rush and asked her wtf is going on, She said he just came over and laied next to me while I was watching tv.So I got up and came in here..I asked if he had touched her and she said no..I walked into her room grabbed his foot and pulled his ass off the bed onto the floor he hit hard nocking the wind out of him, he got up and try'd to hit me with a right hook..I ducked it and smashed his grill in with my left his lips were all bloody, he agian tryed to hit my as i did the same thing he stood there for a minute looking like ..damn he just hifucked me up..he then rushed me trying to take me down with some wrestling spear move as he came I grabbed his shirt and through him aginst the wall..his head smacked the wall leaving a big dent in the dry wall he fell then got up and ran out the door and ran like a pussy..Her dad came home and was pissed I fucked his drywall up becouse they are re modeling and her room was brand new..then I told him whet happend and what I did followed with a I'm sorry..he looked at me lol and slaped me 5 and said if he was man enough to come to my house and sleep in my daughters bed that he was man enough to get his ass whooped and said he never liked his punk ass and whished he could of done it.. later maybe 3 or 4 weeks later he kept 2 waying her asken what she's doing finally he called while I was over there I told him if he called again that I would pound is skiny ass into the ground..So he could'nt run away like a lil bitch.. So funny becouse I went to school to pick up my girls brother one day becouse she was sick at home and being to good bf I am I said oh just lay here baby and ill go get him.. well im in the school thinking damn I dont miss this place a bit when her x walked up to me trying to be all cool saying hay ma how you doing you get your banshee going yet..Im dumb founded for a second and say no almost man..He kinda hoping he'll do something again becouse I never liked him he always talked about how his Lt 250 was the shit and how it would smoke my banshee and how my banshee was a piece of shit and could never hang with his Lt 250.... I didnt say shit to him but when I get the she going im going to go pay him a visit.. You ever notice how people talk shit when your stuff is not running..I got 3 people I haft to race 1st. the f

Edited by 99Banshee
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i know that you want to find out who this idiot is but it would be dumb if all of you two wayed them because now they have your number as well and will probably begin to harrass you too. just my opinion. i have had the same problem and i never answered back and it quit after about three days.

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