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Introduction/First question

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Hey everyone. I have been lurking the boards for a little while now, reading post, learning, and just chcking out this really cool community. I finally registerd here yesterday when I decided I couldn't take not posting anymore.


I have been riding 2 wheelers for many many years. My last 2 wheeler was a highly built 03 RM250 mx. After that I got an 04 Craptor. That bike sucked!!!! I baught it cash in late 03 and fell into the hype of huge CC's and Banshee replacement. Ever since I was a kid (I am 23 now) I have been in love with banshee's. My buddy Kevin used to let me ride his when ever we went riding. It had tomey t3's, K&N's, porting, and some suspension mods. I am sure there are probably other engine mods that were done to it too like reeds etc etc, but those were the main mods. That bike was sick!!!! It made me fall deeper in love with them.


Now I know the Banshee's unfortunately have to say bye bye. This made me realize I better act now if I want one!!!!! I don't have the same job I used to have and I do not make nearly as much cash, so buying bikes cash like I used to is WAY out of the question. I was a bone head kid in auto sales making 70k a year and blew all my cash. I never once thaught about building credit. Now that I am not in auto sales anymore and I am doing retail sales I realize how important good credit is. I got my first credit card a few months ago, and I have been paying on it ahead of time with some extra cash. I couldn't get a cell phone without a huge downpayment before, but now I got one with absolutely no cash down :)


Since I need to finance a new bike since I can't go cash like I used to, I am going to have to wait a little while. I am expecting that by march or so I could have a large enough credit line to get approved for a new banshee. Here is the important question, will the banshee be available then, or do you think it is going to be all gone? What kind of production numbers are they having this year?




I want to say thank you to everyone for having me here, and sorry for the long whinded first post. I hope to make a lot of new friends and have a great time here :)

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Yeah mayne, welcome.

I lucked upon a leftover back in late 2002. I origionally was tring to

get a 2003' LE model and got my Y2k for 5g's even. Brand spankin new.

As a matter of fact. When I went to pick it up the stealership had just

taken it out of the crate the day before. You ought not have a problem

financing one tho. Just pay that thing off early or you'll be stuck with

some hella intrest. :cheers:

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Generally you can get a better APR buying new but if you happen to be a member of a credit union be sure to check out their rates. I'm a big fan of buying used cuz its so much cheaper and easy to fix any problems from the previous owner(s). You could get a piped shee that's somewhat used and turn it into a stroker, replace all the bushings and bearings, new filters, new reeds, new clutch, etc. for cheaper than buying new. If you do go used, make sure you get something newer than a 91 so you don't have to deal with the old j-arms.

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Have you tried to get financing approved through Yamaha yet? I know it doesn't take a whole lotta credit to get approved. I know a guy who had no job and not too many lines of credit and still got a new YFZ.


They'll give damn near anybody a new bike just to get em out the door!

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look around and do your research, i buy and sell them constantly, i am on the east coast and haven t paid more than 2,000.00 for anything older than an 02 in a year, they are around, with moderate aftermarket parts in good shape for , 2,000 to 3,000.scour the classifieds, e bay, craigs list , auto trader. a dealer will charge you double. you could buy 2 or 3 banshees for what a dealer would charge you for a bone stock bike, welcome to the hq.

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look around and do your research, i buy and sell them constantly, i am on the east coast and haven t paid more than 2,000.00 for anything older than an 02 in a year, they are around, with moderate aftermarket parts in good shape for , 2,000 to 3,000.scour the classifieds, e bay, craigs list , auto trader. a dealer will charge you double. you could buy 2 or 3 banshees for what a dealer would charge you for a bone stock bike, welcome to the hq.




I am from the east coast too. Massachusetts here.



I honestly doubt I can get approved for the quad yet. I really mean I just started my credit history. Hopefully soon though :)



Thanks for the welcomes everyone.

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