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Scandalous; bansheeryder_69


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Well I thought this was kind of enteretaining so I decided to share with you all, I recently put a swingarm up for sale /trade down in those forums, bansheeryder_69 tells me he will buy it, this coming friday when he gets paid. So I say alright whatever just let me know if you want it. Note the swingarm is still in my possesion, he doesn't have it yet. I'm browsing on ebay today, I see MY SWINGARM on there, with the picture I took of it!!, well isn't that just clever. For sale by bansheeryder_69 hmmm.. :confused:




Needless to say I do not believe I will be selling my swingarm to bansheeryder_69 This is just too funny.

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What a dick, Good find TOJ :headbang::headbang:


Well I thought this was kind of enteretaining so I decided to share with you all, I recently put a swingarm up for sale /trade down in those forums, bansheeryder_69  tells me he will buy it, this coming friday when he gets paid.  So I say alright whatever just let me know if you want it.  Note the swingarm is still in my possesion, he doesn't have it yet.  I'm browsing on ebay today, I see MY SWINGARM on there, with the picture I took of it!!, well isn't that just clever.  For sale by bansheeryder_69 hmmm..  :confused:




Needless to say I do not believe I will be selling my swingarm to bansheeryder_69  This is just too funny.


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Hahaha even I'm laughing. I bet tOj just feels stupid for not thinking to sell the swingarm on ebay in the first place. Worked pretty good huh? Whats it at now like $150 bucks :shrugani: ? To bad tOj, and all of you who give me shit, don't because I guarantee that any of you given the oppurtunity would have done the same thing. Yes I probably should have waited until I actually had the swingarm in my posession, but me and Eric Ritchie had already agreed upon a price of $75.00 shipped to MY doorstep, and yes I do get payed on friday, and yes I was actually going to send the money order to you after I was able to make it to the bank, while in the meantime I would be awaiting payment for what would have been my new swingarm. The swingarm and the payment would have arrived right around the same time, so I would have sent the swingarm to the high bidder. Oh well better luck selling it somewhere else tOj. ;)

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bad move never count the chickens before they hatch man... what would happen if it got lost in the mail. Even if your plan had worked man thats just not right especially since im am a verfy respected ebayer with 100% pos on over 100 transactions most of which selling. and whoever my high bidder or seller is i always check past transaction within the last year and somtimes email the last people that they had a good and bad transaction with to decide if i want to sell them my item and this has protected me many times. none the less you should feel bad for taking advantage of a fellow hqer like that this place is for helping one another get a banshee going and long lasting not to make a few bux off your internet friends

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