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Changing Coolant...


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I just got a bottle of enging ice and I was wondering if I should change before I install my new head, or doesn't it matter? Also, how do I do this coolant swap, do I need to mix the ice w/ water? One more question, what is involved w/ the new head (installing)? Easy...hard...any special tools, or tricks?



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Changing the head is as easy as taking the stock head off. No special tricks just be carefull when putting the new head on, don't move the o-rings out of place or coolant will leak. I don't know about the engine ice, it should have some instructions on the bottle about what you should do. Do a search about engine ice, I have seen a couple questions brought up about using it before.

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Pull the pipes and remove the drain plug in the cylinder,unscrew hose clamps and drain those too.


I tip the bake when drainging the coolant from the cylinders.


Empty coolant bottle.


Anything left won't be much...



I would drain the coolant before you install the new head, and refil it after...


1 bottle of engine ice should be enough.

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  • 3 months later...
Thanks for the tips...duh, I should have just read the bottle. It is pre-mixed, but is 1/2 gallon enough? Also what is the easiest way to drain the old stuff?


Thanks :cheers:


Yes 1/2 gallon is enough, Make sure you flush all of your old coolant out for the ice to work right.

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