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Best Spark Plug for a twin 350 shee

twin 350

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whats the diff between the b8es and the BR8es i know the last one is a resistor plug but i dont know what this mean



The diff is the resistor plug will burn somewhat hotter than a conventional plug. I reccomend the br8es myself. seems run run clean everytime i check them and hardly

ever foul them if your machine is tuned properly.

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The resistor is to reduce electrical noise.  This is an issue if you're running a stereo or something, but otherwise B8ES is fine.



Or unless you don't want it to possible cause interference with your CDI box. The stock wires are resistor wires, so it is double protection... but if you buy aftermarket wires, they will not be resistor wires unless specifically noted, so if you aren't running BR8ES's good luck at that point.

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If you want the highest quality plug then go with BR8EIX.


I don't know why someone here said to use a BR9EIX, as that is the wrong heat range; the 9 in that string of number/letters signifies the heat, and the higher the number the less the heat; it is supposed to be BR8 not BR9.


BR8EIX is the best plug I know of, and they run about $8.00 or so. The IX at the end stands for being IRIDIUM.

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  • 2 months later...




Yep, put some in in fall 2004 rode probably a good 20-30hrs no problems wrecked good in april 2005 here it is jan 2006 nearly a year later, finally got it all together thought what the hell kick it over see what happens 3rd kick still fired, couldnt believe it,

and that was with the


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this is a little off topic but i heard this from someone on this forum and they said if you let your banshee idle for too long it will foul the plug. my freind lets his banshee idle for a minute, minute and a half no problem. also i never fouled a plugt at idle and i let my engines sit and idle for a period of time. thanks in advance for replys

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