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The Ride


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The sand glows red as the sun crests over the hills in the east. The crackling of the campfire and smell of coffee are all that is in the air for the moment. Looking out towards the dunes you see the wind must have blown good that night, smooth as glass. That little feeling in stomache twinges as you think about the first ride on virgin sand. Your thoughts are broken as you here in the distance the pulsating thumping of a four stroke. Almost simutaneously a couple of your buddies step out of their respective trailers. Everyone is dressed and ready. A simple smile cracks as you know it is time. No kids on this ride. No beginners. No wives. Just the guys.


Another Thumper starts several camps away and you all look in that direction. With a nod and additional grins from the other you walk to the Banshee. A quick look over on the machine and your heart starts to pick up pace. Gas on, little choke and a quick kick and the King of the Dunes screams to life. No melodic thumping. A stab or two on the throttle as the smoke ripcurls around and the bike sets into a perfect idle. The twin waiting patiently. The other Banshees follow in suit.


The air is crisp, not cold but cool. You gear up and settle on your machine. a couple more stabs on the throttle. Your hear your buddies pulling up beside you at the edge of camp. No words are said you click the six speed gear box into 2nd, bypassing first and ease the clutch out as the motor spins up. A little roost and you are off.


Starting down the whooped out road you click gears barely feathering the clutch. Your buddy blows by you on the right. Your Banshee screams to full life as you jamb the shift lever down and open the throttle just as your other friend tried to make a pass. Leaning back, pulling on the bars just slightly the font end lifts. The back dances over the whoops in a rythmic blitz of speed. You know you are on. Perfect harmony with the bike the sand the weather.


Gearing down and cutting hard to the left you look at the first hill of the day. A short but steep climb with a nice s turn bout half way up then a straight shot onto the landing area. second....third through the s.....fourth onto the exit straigt shot. On the gas front wheels off the ground as you clear the crest. A quick glance to the rear and you see nothing but a wall of sand with the distorted view of your buddy who got a little too close......another smile....then the realization you will pay for that one later....smile... chuckle....head back in the game. You see the other member of your party staging at the top of a large bowl.


Cresting the bowl.....you see the water pooled in the bottom is a dark green as the sun has touched the sand causing a medley of orange and pinks. The bowl that had been scarred just the evening before was as smooth as glass....like a crystal smooth lake for a water skier.


You all enter the bowl at the same time. Skirting the rim in fourth and fith gear staggered just inches from eachother. You know this is a moment made for video but you are strangely happy that it isnt for show right now....its just you and your friends. Nothing else.


Trails, whoops, bowls, tree shots and a quick drag race down the flats as turn back towards camp. Bikes parked, the rest of the group has awakened and luckily breakfast is almost ready. A hug from the kids and good morning kiss from the wife.


You look around, knowing nods to your friends who shared the morning ride. No stress. Work and the troubles of life are far behind you....lost in the sand somwhere. Knowing you have days of riding ahead of you help get everyone fed. Sit by the fire and look forward to the next ride.



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was i the only one that got a semi while reading that?? makes me sad that my stupid swingarm is cracked, bearings are destroyed, and the bolt is rusted in the tube...kinda funny how i was listening to "too much of a good thing" while reading that, GREAT post we need more like that



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Yep, I wrote it. I get the bug to ride this time of year pretty bad. Also, we have lots of threads about everything but riding, sometimes its nice to just read about the sport we love.....the riding, camping and social aspects of it. Glad you all liked it.


Heres to the next ride....whenever it is.... :cheers:



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