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1 better than 2?


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the 38mm works great, that's what I run.

when I first got my banshee it had trinity intake with a 35, fmf pipes, and a set of rad valves.It ran pretty good, also had 13/41 gearing.

switched to t-6 pipes, had more power everywhere.

added v-force reeds and 4 degrees timing, added more power again.

cut my head .025, still more bottom end.

added a 38mm keilhn, diden't hurt the bottom but helped the top.3-5 mph according to my gps.

needed a new topend so I set cyls to eric gorr and got the more power everywhere port, boonman lighten my flywhel (awesome mod), and a noss head with 19cc domes( awesome mod great customer service), and added a 15 tooth sprocket. now I have the power the way I like it, strong bottom, awesome midrange,and great topend pull.

That's my banshee and I love it


And remember a good holeshot and a ok bike will beat a fast bike and bad holeshot 9 out of 10 times. :bolt:

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ok i have a friend who rides a 400ex with white brothers exhaust a chip in it i forget exactly what that does........ and there was some other stuff and i want to make sure that i can beat him if i go to a single carb set up.  i really don't ride against other 4wheelers i'm not much of a racer so it is bassically trails but the occasional track but i don't compete as far as races.  i just want to improve my low end but hopefully keep my top end high enough to stay faster than my buddy. my shee has trinity exhaust and has been bored over 20 so would that make a difference about how big of a carb i would need to get?




Wait,,,he has a "chip" in it?? You better just call it quits and not even bother trying to race him then!! ROFL! :shootself:


Seriously though,,,A lightly modded Shee will take 85% of the 400EX's out there!!

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i have a 1999 shee with 40 over prolite pistons prcircuit pipes kn filter in the air box and a trinity 2into1 carb 33m and i raced a stock 400 ex and it was no contest smoked it,just got this bike back from a buddy ,going to take carb and put on my 03 shee with dyno port 2into 1 pipe ,i ride all woods and hill climbs,not worried about top speed just low and mid power,putting dual carbs back on 99and proably going to sell it or keep it for a dune bike

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do not get 1 carb. i talked to lrd and they told me a friend of theirs got on the dyno with a port job done and the 2 to 1 done. he lost 8 horsepower they sttrongly advised me not to do it. this is a true story do not waste your money




Um okay. But believe it or not, there's some riders out there that aren't looking for every HP available. Losing 8hp sounds like quite a bit so I imagine he was running a single 33, but maybe it was a 35. Anyway man, my point is that some guys would rather have a setup that was easier to work on, tune, and ride at the cost of even 8HP.

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i understand what youre saying but he said if u want to be lazy u might as well get a single cylinder quad because ur just not gonna get the same amount of power u can with a dual carb setup since their are 2 cylinders. and please its not hard to change jets on these carbs. but to me its not worth it and i respect other peoples opinions and im just saying u want to spend pretty much 500 u might as well spend it on something well worth it

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I'm making enough HP on my single carbed engine to warrant needing a longer swingarm. I'm hoping to get away with only a +2 since the longer you go, the worse the handling is. If I were to go back to duals, I'd prolly never get away w/ a +2 and would need a +4. I'm a duner. I don't drag race and when I do I really don't give a shit who wins. So in my case, having a single is the better way to go - getting to be lazy is just a bonus.


Hard to jet? No, dual carbs arent hard to jet, but I can do my jetting changes in under 1 minute, including tool roundup - can you do that w/ your duals? We have some extreme temp changes here in SoCal so I have to rejet for daytime temps in the mid-morning, then for nighttime temps in the evening. So if it only takes me a minute and I don't have to expose my intake that's a plus. In addition, I never have to sync, any single cylinder firing problems are definately not a carb issue (big plus!), my engine bay is cleaner and easier to work on, I never melt outerwears on pipes, my throttle response is second to none, I have low-end power, my throttle pull is lighter, etc, etc...

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