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What tools to be used when cutting fenders?


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I can't believe all of you guys have done it with anything other than a jigsaw! I mean I can understand trying to use what you have on hand, but seems like more trouble than its worth when you can get a jigsaw for about $25. I spent a total of about 15 minutes when I cut the stock plastics on the yfz, and that was for measuring/drawing with a dry erase marker, cutting, sanding, and then a quick run by with the torch.

Edited by Wallrat
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I can't believe all of you guys have done it with anything other than a jigsaw!  I mean I can understand trying to use what you have on hand, but seems like more trouble than its worth when you can get a jigsaw for about $25.  I spent a total of about 15 minutes when I cut the stock plastics on the yfz, and that was for measuring/drawing with a dry erase marker, cutting, sanding, and then a quick run by with the torch.



I dunno dude but I used a hacksaw on mine too and it was free, then I used some kinda planing tool to shap the edge,

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But how long did it take and how easy was it to keep it straight? I figure for the time involved + a rather costly repair if you fuck up, its worth it just to drop some coin on a jigsaw. Besides, a jigsaw is a pretty handy tool to have around. If you had one, you wouldn't have needed me for those speaker mounts.

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