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Time for the service manual.


Yes you need to adjust the valves. If you don't it will slowly screw over your new bike. Just do the service. They have services like that scheduled for a reason don't you think?


It's not hard to to at home if you have the manual andsome good tools and a clean shop and know what you are doing.

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If you ride it hard then I would check the valves in about 20 hours or so, if you aren't punishing it then it could go longer. I had my wifes done by the dealer at 20 hrs just because we got an extended warrenty that covers the motor for 2 years and if was an F'en rip off; $180 for labor. Definitely change the oil and filter right after break in yourself. A friend of mine just got a uses 05' YFZ and did the exhaust cam mod the first week of owning it with just instructions I printed for him that I got off YFZcentral, and he said it was pretty easy so I'd guess that checking the valve clearance would be pretty easy too. Get a manual, and you'll probably need some specialized feeler guages and then need to order the correct shims if they are out of spec.

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well ill take it to my mechanic and get him to do it since he is going to be putting my pipe on and jetting it for me and other stuff so ill just get him to do it



Dude, you will spend a small fortune to pay someone to do it. The pipe and jetting is EASY to do...Pipe takes about 10 minutes to install and jetting it isn't much more. You only have to take 1 screw out the bottom of the carb to get to the main jet, and I believe it's only 3 screws at the top of the carb to change the needle. I've never adjusted the valves in mine and I've put a solid 40-50 hours on the 450...runs perfect. :shrugani: You can do it freestyler!!!!

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No way in hell can you install a pipe and jet kit in under 30 min.  It takes a good 15-20 just to remove the tank and plastics to get at the carb.  Agreed it ain't hard, but it will take some time to do.



No, you can just loosen the clamps on both sides of the carb and rotate the carb to get at the jets. Take the hex nut cap off the bottom of the bowel and you can access the main and pilot jet, 2 screw to take off the top cover to access the needle. You can change the pilot and main in 10 minutes and the needle in another 10 min. You don't need to take off any plastic. Just need to disconnect the fuel line.

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You need to add in find your tool time, find the dropped nut time, find the lost screw time, damn I should have put something under that carb to catch the gas time, oh shoot I hope I didn't just strip that thread time and the time it takes to remember you forgot to do something time. The sum of these times can amount to anything from an additional 10 min to 3 days. :jesterlaugh:

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Dude, you will spend a small fortune to pay someone to do it. The pipe and jetting is EASY to do...Pipe takes about 10 minutes to install and jetting it isn't much more. You only have to take 1 screw out the bottom of the carb to get to the main jet, and I believe it's only 3 screws at the top of the carb to change the needle. I've never adjusted the valves in mine and I've put a solid 40-50 hours on the 450...runs perfect.  :shrugani:  You can do it freestyler!!!!


haha i get it done for free now. he does all the labour for free cause he pastures his horses at my place and he pays for that too

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