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CPI, Shearer, or T5


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so i will hvae just the c.v. carb, v-forece reeds, an mx port,

so which kind of exhaust would be good for that combo..... CPI, TR6, T5, .... w/e


i know you didn't list them, but with that setup a set of FMF fatties would be fantastic and give you a better spread than the others you've listed. maybe FMF SST's or pro circiuts, or PT mid range pipes, that's if you don't mind how they look.

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I would say FMF Fattys for best power curve for your purposes....


T5's would give you a little more peak HP, but likely less power everywhere but the top.


However T5's look better IMO.


edit ^^^ this guy was writing at the same time lol.

Edited by Justintoxicated
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