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Throttle stick on shee and causes mayhem

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Hey guys:


I entered my quad into a parade on Sunday... During the parade i was riding some stick wheelies and two wheeled circles and shit like that...


We were nearing the end of the parade when i put the quad into a wheelie again... when i went to set it down and took my thumb off the throttle it stuck....


I went onto the grab bar and since i was sitting i slipped back... i had no control and went into the crowd... I hit an old lady on a chair... the quad flew out from under me and landed in a yard i went flying and my body slammed a utility pole...


I was knocked cold and apprantly was talkin non sense to the paramedics... after i was rushed to the hospital and got checked out... I was released with Minor head injuries... and some soft tissue damage on my upper half...


I then found out that they impounded the quad... Article on my wreck ... They are investigating on the throttle issue... However its only done it one other time... So i dont kno wtf is gonna happen...


Overall im lookin at some legal charges, Wreckless endnagerment and some other B.S... And a possibility of me getting sued...



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Accidents happen.. If you had permission to be in the parade with your quad, and had permission to be doing wheelies, then in my eyes it's a simple mishap. A very dangerous one, but it was an accident. :shrugani: I do think though that whoever did give you permission (if you had it) to be riding like that when there is a big crowd around is a moron. So really, you prolly shouldnt have been out there doing it, but shit happens...


EDIT: Holy shit you made the news. :blink:

Edited by stclark816
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Yeah guys well... Im glad you gave me your honest opinions...


It was a really rough day with alot of critisim... I feel bad that i hurt the overall rep. of Riders as yourselves....


It sucks... I read the other board and i feel even worse...


Overall i figured id share this story because it happened to me and you guys have shared all of your stories...


It was a mistake, a mishap... The people were loving it until the time of the accident....


Overall people said we were the life of the parade until i wrecked... but shit happens...


It just got me really good....


The lady is fine... she only suffered bruises

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