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here's one for ya....

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I fuggin hate cats and that is just flat cruel!!  I hope someone firgures out who this person is someday and gives him a couple of Beavis shots to the nards!!


Someone else said it that it's been on the net for years. I saw that site about five or six years ago and I thought it was ridiculous. I may be wrong, but I have a feeling the whole thing is a joke made by some fool with too much time on his hands. I don't think anyone would actually keep a kitten in a jar like that for a week with feeding and excretement tubes; I think someone just made it to get a reaction out of people. I'm pretty sure years back I remember organizations trying to remove the site as well because of it's tastelessness. Notice how the author jokingly makes a section about doing the same with a baby? That part was obviously a joke (I apologize but I laughed at it) and I think the rest is the same. I HOPE at least. If not, then there are some truly sick people out there.

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What the fcuk! That is by far one of the most twisted things I have ever seen. :angry: I sincerely hope it's not for real. Either way the author or owner needs a severe beating. As well as the people that actually involve themselves with that kind of crap!! :angry:

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