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Attention NY PA NJ CONN Riders, Glamis Trip


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Well its that time fo year again, Im planning our Annual East Coast Trip to Glamis California. The dates for this years Trip are Feb 13th to the 22nd 2006. For more info just PM me or visit http://www.glamistrips.com Hope to get a bunch of guys from here going again. I had a great time last year with everyone!!! - JT

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Very good possibility I could round up a few banshees for that trip. Keep us posted if this trip in set in stone or not? I live in N.J. and have a Banshee in Las Vegas. I have a few friends from Long Island with 4 Banshees in Yuma, Arizona. We will be out west riding for thanksgiving. But may be open to a Glamis spring run! How many machines do you expect? What are ages of your group? Mostly banshees with big tanks? Get in touch. Where are you guys from? Talk soon, Docbones :cheers:

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Trip is def. Set in Stone. Mostly banshee's 450's and raptors. We ship 30 - 60 machines. A bunch of HQers went with me last year. Hope you can make it just let me know a number since only 12 spots are left - Joe

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Where in N.Y are bikes loaded?  Where is drop off in Ca.?




Bikes are loaded in Fosterdale, NY zip code 12726. They are then unloaded at Pad #2 in Glamis. Hope you can join us its really a great time. I was talking to a group of guys at atvconnection.com regarding coming with us when all of a sudden the mod deleted my account. I was a member for 3 years lol. I tried emailing them but no one responds. I thought this is a good legal riding trip and it helps our sport grow in a positive way. They must believe its a scam lol. Talk to you soon - Joe

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Sounds like a blast! What are the rules for Glamis?I have all the lighting stripped out.I'm talking it up with a riding bud right now and of course he owns a banshee.



To ride during the day, you just need a flag. For night riding of course you need lights. How hard will it be to hook them up again? I have some stock lights if you need them - JT

P.S. Depsoits are due Dec 1st and there are only 11 spots left now!

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