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Attention NY PA NJ CONN Riders, Glamis Trip


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DAMMMMM :cry::cry::cry:


wish i had heard of this earlier..... right now i'm in the process of redoing two shees. And i have always wanted to go out to the dunes. What is the lodging situation?? Take your own camping stuff or got some setup going for that too?? But next year if we do this, i'm definetly taking time off.

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I read about your friend John. I could not believe what I was reading. My prayers go out to all of Johns family and especially to all of you that were there with him on that trip out west! I can not even imagine what you all are going through. I am headed to Glamis Wed. the 8th. That will be on my mind, no doubt!

Talk soon,


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was there a couple of guys out by the wash 11, one on a yfz450 with a flat and a purple banshee with ohlin's all the way around? I'm pretty sure they said they were there from NY. If so I'm glad we were able to help them out. Pumped up the guys tire and got it back on the bead and sold the other guy some race gas to get him back to camp. I know what you're thinking, we didn't rip the guy off, charged him like 10 bucks for a couple gallons.

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Doc, thanks alot for the prayers its a hard time. Bil, yeah that was probably bancetta from here on the HQ. He has a 450 and a purple shee. They come with me every year, but they are from mass and maine. Close enough though - JT

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