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i never played socom I, but i heard it was good, i started with II, and got addicted to the online play right then and have played II online all the time for the past almost 2 years, and now socom III is out, with vehicles, better guns... if i was you, i would pick up socom II used from gamestop or some place and play online, or just go strait to III and play online, its definitely worth getting into the online segment...

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yes, socom III online is good, in some ways its not as good as socom II online, but in others its better, more players, more guns,VEHICLES, attachments like grenade launchers, silencers, laser sights, red dot sights, scopes, many other things...

havent even touched single player yet, but from what i hear from my cousin it blows socom II single player out of the water, and he is angry with online right now, so he says its better graphics and everything than online is. from what i have seen, socom III online is even bigger, maybe twice the size of the socom II online community...

basically, if you like shooters, and like multiplayer... get the game, and if you dont play online, ive heard the single player part of the game is even worth it...

if anybody wants to play online, send me a friends list invite at 2000_BANSHEE

Edited by jeepman137
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I was a huge socom 2 fan and played everyday. I rented socom 3 today, and didn't really care for it. It is way to big and doesn't have the action like socom 2. Socom 2 was alot more intense and faster paced. If you don't jump into a vechicle at the begnning of an online game, it takes forever to get to the action.

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