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got a happy little message today


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and it went a little something like this...

yo, Yesterday, 11:16 PM


Group: Members

Posts: 95

Member No.: 17550

Joined: 12-May 05



" why dont you go f**k yourself you stupid f**king wop

im tryin to give thew guy my f**kin business and you stick you stupidass comments im there f**k YOU "




How ever I am not an Italian or "wop"as you put it Im American who is stationed in Italy and you are a f u cking idiot, I imaging that hearing you talk would sound exzactly as you have written there.


This pm was sent to me in refernce to a comment I made in the Images forum in the memorial tat post. Please check it out and let me know if you think i am out of line.

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Well you did call the guy out on an open forum calling him a jackass. I'm sure FH didn't mind the prospective sale, he probably apprecaited it. Now your calling the guy out again on an open forum and will probably receive another nasty PM. I say when you call a guy a jackass you better be prepared for whatever. So basically, you threw the first punch as I see it. ;)

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well i see there are mixed openions. Maybe my enviorment makes me a little assholesh, im used to being around all guys in the millitary talking shit constantly. In that respect jackass is definetly not the worst thing to be called. I was simply using it as a way to stress my point. Also. when I called him a jackass I did it as you said... in an open forum, not in his pm box. Perhaps he had decided to not disrespect the original thread again by posting there with a comment to me and that is why he pm'd me. If so than I would say my first post served its perpouse. However if I was out of line than here is a public apolagy to what ever that jackasses name was.. Im sorry

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He wasn't bashing Fireman but his post was off topic. You jumped on him for that? I'd be pissed off too if I had done the same. All he was doing was offering some business. :shrugani: His PM just shows that he is an idiot. If you are going to jump on every moron here you better get busy!! :P

Edited by kenr74
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He wasn't bashing Fireman but his post was off topic.  You jumped on him for that?  I'd be pissed off too if I had done the same.  All he was doing was offering some business. :shrugani:  His PM just shows that he is an idiot.  If you are going to jump on every moron here you better get busy!! :P



like kenr74 the buy it now deadbeat e bayer.never got that money order you never sent, clown.

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like kenr74 the buy it now deadbeat e bayer.never got that money order you never sent, clown.




Are you serious! I'm the one that was out the $$. You saw my feedback on eBay. I don't have a single NPB so why would I start by not paying somebody I know? I wouldn't risk that for $170! Maybe if you would take Paypal like the rest of the world there wouldn't have been a problem in the first place. I don't do money orders so I didn't even think about keeping the other half of it.


I didn't say a word on here about it. I bit my tongue because I thought you were a good seller. I just figured that it would show up eventually and if it didn't it was a lesson learned and I wouldn't mess with money orders again. How do I know you didn't get the money? You knew that I had no way of proving you cashed it so why not pocket the money and screw me over?!?! I sure never got it back or I would have got a hold of you. How many times have you got negative feedback for not sending something and then you claim they never paid? Sure a hell of a lot more than times than I have not paid somebody which is 0!


I can't even believe you brought this up actually. What was that, almost 4 months ago?


Actually here is the reciept from my bank statement. I bought and sent it on 6/24!


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haha kenr74 is the jackass now


hey NYUK did you get the money order i sent for that great sweet sweet lovin you gave me the other night? look heres proof i sent it


DATE      CHECK #      DESCRIPTION                                                      WITHDRAWAL      BALANCE

10/01/05                    Purchase With Pin Sou Usps 4067870tualatin Or        $17.95        $8,056,595.32



worth every penny, lover :wub:





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cuz i just want to sell my parts, you mean to tell me your bank couldn t give you the cancelled check?i never got it, 170 is lunch money for the week for me.if i would have got it ,i would have sent the part.seems like you gave up and accepted the non pay strike to easily.i seen you looking for swingarms on planetsand after you used the buy it now.

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