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Halloween (jokes and pranks)

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Shit, if you think that's evil did you read how well Stan is prepared?

I'll be looking for a thread composed by Stan stating on Nov.1st " OH'SHIT! Where do i put the bodies!".

The real threat on holloween is definietly those lil'bastards running around with the eggs,shaving cream,paintball guns and homemade explosives.The days of toilet paper are over now it's sneaking dad's hand cannon out of the house.

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Shit, if you think that's evil did you read how well Stan is prepared?

I'll be looking for a thread composed by Stan stating on Nov.1st " OH'SHIT! Where do i put the bodies!".

      The real threat on holloween is definietly those lil'bastards running around with the eggs,shaving cream,paintball guns and homemade explosives.The days of toilet paper are over now it's sneaking dad's hand cannon out of the house.


Seriously, if I had more money to spare this year I'd make carameled onions for the little dickheads in my neighborhood.


Theres a family 2 houses down from me where no one works, everyone hangs out, and the dad is a moron....well, the mom is too. They have 3 broken down cars in their yard, one mini van that never moves, and I always see him riding a BMX bicycle while his wife and 2 kids are walking. I might just steal his bike as a nice trick this year. Take it to the shop and weld the rims to the frame, weld the crank bearings up and weld the seat on crooked, then replace it before morning.

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Seriously, if I had more money to spare this year I'd make carameled onions for the little dickheads in my neighborhood.



like that wasn't some funny shit....


Theres a family 2 houses down from me where no one works, everyone hangs out, and the dad is a moron....well, the mom is too. They have 3 broken down cars in their yard, one mini van that never moves, and I always see him riding a BMX bicycle while his wife and 2 kids are walking. I might just steal his bike as a nice trick this year. Take it to the shop and weld the rims to the frame, weld the crank bearings up and weld the seat on crooked, then replace it before morning.


you just had to throw that in there too... :huh:

It would be like what the (flower) is going on? :rotflmao:


this is what the HQ is about wisdom and some funny (crazy) ass MoFo's..... :headbang:

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Seriously, if I had more money to spare this year I'd make carameled onions for the little dickheads in my neighborhood.


Theres a family 2 houses down from me where no one works, everyone hangs out, and the dad is a moron....well, the mom is too. They have 3 broken down cars in their yard, one mini van that never moves, and I always see him riding a BMX bicycle while his wife and 2 kids are walking. I might just steal his bike as a nice trick this year. Take it to the shop and weld the rims to the frame, weld the crank bearings up and weld the seat on crooked, then replace it before morning.




to bad they dont have a functional car.

thers been lots posted on here before about what to do with cars but some how in machine shop we got this idea the other day.


take wheels off car, place inside car.

drill holes in cinder blocks to match lug pattern

bolt cinderblocks onto hubs

either round off or tack weld lug nuts on.


they'll either have to chip cinder blocks off and then replace hubs (for fun weld spindles and all together too)


or the more humorous result, attempt to drive it somewhere with cinder blocks for wheels

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damn you was the 1st to say anything... thanks

you want it? it would fit a girl's sig. better you can have if ya want...





i would...but then i wouldnt be original :confused:


i'll let you keep it you found it...you deserve to have some fun with it...but its still awesome :clap: thanks though dude :)


p.s if you find anything else good like that...maybe you could send them my way ;)

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Find a good size pumpkin, carve a hole in the top around the stem.Then fill the pumpkin full of cement.After cement cures place pumpkin on the side of the road.When the next driver who wants to play asshole and ruin someone's Holloween by running their pumpin over will get a hell of a surprise!!  :evil:



That is so fcukin clever! :evil:



Damn that would have sucked back in the 8th grade when we went pumpkin kicking...

damn good idea.... :blink:



Sure that would stop you in your tracks! :o



I just bought some bags of sulphur, charcoal, sodium nitrate, 5 lbs of 3/8" ball bearings and a hand full of 1/4" bolts.

Little sumbitches gonna egg my truck again this year......

I don't think so. :evil:




to bad they dont have a functional car.

thers been lots posted on here before about what to do with cars but some how in machine shop we got this idea the other day.


take wheels off car, place inside car.

drill holes in cinder blocks to match lug pattern

bolt cinderblocks onto hubs

either round off or tack weld lug nuts on.


they'll either have to chip cinder blocks off and then replace hubs (for fun weld spindles and all together  too)


or the more humorous result, attempt to drive it somewhere with cinder blocks for wheels



You guys are damn creative! :evil::rotflmao::rotflmao:

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They have 3 broken down cars in their yard, one mini van that never moves, and I always see him riding a BMX bicycle while his wife and 2 kids are walking.




you might be a redneck if :


your house is mobile, but your cars are not

when mowing your yard and find a car

theres more oil in your hair, than in your car


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