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Halloween (jokes and pranks)

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This video reminded me of the time I dressed as a scarecrow, carved a pumkin out and place it on my head, won 1st place at the costume party that year! The next night Halloween night I sat on the front porch with the candy bowl in my lap, poor kids.. :rotflmao::rotflmao: The scaredest one was a teenage girl that was taking her younger brother and his friends around, I reached out as they grabbed for the candy and she took off, leaving the poor little ones standing there!! :jesterlaugh::jesterlaugh:



So what ya'll got.....

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haha, does this thread include mischif night? well its close enough to holloween so ill tell. me and a couple of my friends went with my paintball gun to some woods that is right near a main road, it was late enough where there was enough time for us to pile sticks in the middle of the road. there were so many sticks in the road most cars would slow down almost to a stop and the rest of them would just turn around and go another way, once they slowed down we'd shoot a couple rounds of paint at them. well of corse after about 45 min or so two cops show, we had no time to run so we just layed down in back of a couple of good sized rocks. the cops were shineing there lights in the woods for a while, then finally cleared the road... i dont think ive been so scared of getting in troble, the whole time im thinkin in my head, what am i gonna say to my parents.. :P ....so after about an hour of the cops lookin around the area and clearing out the road flooded with sticks we ran back to my house. :D

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haha,  does this thread include mischif night?  well its close enough to holloween so ill tell.  me and a couple of my friends went with my paintball gun to some woods that is right near a main road, it was late enough where there was enough time for us to pile sticks in the middle of the road.  there were so many sticks in the road most cars would slow down almost to a stop and the rest of them would just turn around and go another way, once they slowed down we'd shoot a couple rounds of paint at them.  well of corse after about 45 min or so two cops show, we had no time to run so we just layed down in back of a couple of good sized rocks.  the cops were shineing there lights in the woods for a while, then finally cleared the road... i dont think ive been so scared of getting in troble, the whole time im thinkin in my head, what am i gonna say to my parents.. :P ....so after about an hour of the cops lookin around the area and clearing out the road flooded with sticks we ran back to my house. :D


if im correct, i think that might be a fellony, not sure though but still an ass load of trouble. like shoot a PB at a semi crossing under an overpass, got away but still, a bad deal

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Find a good size pumpkin, carve a hole in the top around the stem.Then fill the pumpkin full of cement.After cement cures place pumpkin on the side of the road.When the next driver who wants to play asshole and ruin someone's Holloween by running their pumpin over will get a hell of a surprise!! :evil:

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Find a good size pumpkin, carve a hole in the top around the stem.Then fill the pumpkin full of cement.After cement cures place pumpkin on the side of the road.When the next driver who wants to play asshole and ruin someone's Holloween by running their pumpin over will get a hell of a surprise!!  :evil:


Damn that would have sucked back in the 8th grade when we went pumpkin kicking...

damn good idea.... :blink:

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Find a good size pumpkin, carve a hole in the top around the stem.Then fill the pumpkin full of cement.After cement cures place pumpkin on the side of the road.When the next driver who wants to play asshole and ruin someone's Holloween by running their pumpin over will get a hell of a surprise!!  :evil:


With the little miscreants in my neighborhood I'd be the lucky bastard to end up with it either tossed into the side of my truck or delievered via air mail through my front window.


I'd like to put a stick of dynomite in one if I was gonna do any thing. Put a can of spaghetti-O's next to it to lure them in.




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Find a good size pumpkin, carve a hole in the top around the stem.Then fill the pumpkin full of cement.After cement cures place pumpkin on the side of the road.When the next driver who wants to play asshole and ruin someone's Holloween by running their pumpin over will get a hell of a surprise!!  :evil:



HOLY SHIT! I can totally picture that in my head :cheers:

With the little miscreants in my neighborhood I'd be the lucky bastard to end up with it either tossed into the side of my truck or delievered via air mail through my front window.


I'd like to put a stick of dynomite in one if I was gonna do any thing. Put a can of spaghetti-O's next to it to lure them in.





that'll work :evil:

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Find a good size pumpkin, carve a hole in the top around the stem.Then fill the pumpkin full of cement.After cement cures place pumpkin on the side of the road.When the next driver who wants to play asshole and ruin someone's Holloween by running their pumpin over will get a hell of a surprise!!  :evil:




DAMN....that could be pretty nasty..sounds good to me though :evil:


btw...bonerstockshee...your signature pic rocks :headbang::lol:

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With the little miscreants in my neighborhood I'd be the lucky bastard to end up with it either tossed into the side of my truck or delievered via air mail through my front window.


I'd like to put a stick of dynomite in one if I was gonna do any thing. Put a can of spaghetti-O's next to it to lure them in.







o god hahahahaha






......i love spaghetti-Os breakfast of champions.

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I have a feeling a member just bought a few bags of Red-i-mix or Quickrete preparing for Holloween.All I know it that trick is hell on oilpans and exhaust. :evil:


I just bought some bags of sulphur, charcoal, sodium nitrate, 5 lbs of 3/8" ball bearings and a hand full of 1/4" bolts.

Little sumbitches gonna egg my truck again this year......




I don't think so. :evil:

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LOL^ Anyway what you do is have some one get some sh*t, doggie doo, cow doo, or your own brand, put this in a box. go to someones house, like we use to do the hated english teacher...put it there light it on fire ring the bell and run! She would try to put the fire out with her feet and get Sh*t all over herself! :jesterlaugh: That Concrete pumpkin sounds goood for me this year :evil:

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LOL^ Anyway what you do is have some one get some sh*t, doggie doo, cow doo, or your own brand, put this in a box. go to someones house, like we use to do the hated english teacher...put it there light it on fire  ring the bell and run! She would try to put the fire out with her feet and get Sh*t all over herself! :jesterlaugh: That Concrete pumpkin sounds goood for me this year :evil:



Thats been around for a while, but its still funny as shit! :rotflmao:

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Find a good size pumpkin, carve a hole in the top around the stem.Then fill the pumpkin full of cement.After cement cures place pumpkin on the side of the road.When the next driver who wants to play asshole and ruin someone's Holloween by running their pumpin over will get a hell of a surprise!!  :evil:


Wow all I have to say is that's evil :evil:

:cheers: lol

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