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plastic welder

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Guest nightmare

I just bought a plastic welder from harbor freight. I have no idea how to use it. I have been practiceing on an old bumper from the junk yard, but I suck. I just can't get the hang of it. Is there a trick to welding plastic. I can weld metal allright, but I am no pro just a garage welder. banghead


It's a pain in the ass, I never got it down perfect, picking the right type of stick for the plastic your welding is pretty important, they have different melting points, if you pick one that melts hotter than the plastic your welding you'll screw up what you're trying to weld....don't get the stick too hot or it will make it brittle, it's more like soldering than welding. That's probably not true if you use a high quality welder, harbor freight one pretty much sucks lol



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