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"watch who you align yourself with"  ..... "tarnish a reputation". WTF man, this place is getting weirder & weirder everyday.  Loco your nuts for backing down on insults like that, who the hell does Brooke think she is talking to you like that??! Speak your mind and what you beleive is right and dont give a flyin' f**k about aligning yourself. :shootself:


meat i had a really long insult post in mind but then i thought to myself, consider the source...no one really associates me with ray in anyway, other than they know i bought my pipes from them..so im not too worried about it. anyone around here that knows me, gee who could that be, pretty much EVERYONE knows that im good to my word and would never do something like that..trust me i thought about the long insult post but said f**k it..im not that concerned with it..at least i contribute to the site... :shrugani:

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uhh how was that a burn to me?


i was making a point meat, that loco is being hypocritical. loco knows my sarcasm, and unlike you, doesnt constantly have a hard on for hating me. i understand loco's loyalty to his buddy, but if minkia isnt heald responsible, then he will get away with pointing the finger at fireman and running. this shouldnt be about who likes who, it should be about these two men shutting the f**k up and taking care of the customers who made them who they are today. minkia should be kissing loco's feet for still sticking up for him constantly. i dont personally have an issue with minkia or fireman, even if they were my best buddies i would still say, hey man, quit yer crying and get shit taken care of.

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meat i had a really long insult post in mind but then i thought....

LOL, I just knew that you did. :) You did the right thing tho, holding back was prolly the right thing to do. Being "upfront and honest" in your replies is not always the best way to go about things ;):) I was just shocked that Brooke gave you her warnings and you sorta backed down :) and I just knew that you were readin' her warnings and biting your tounge :D



loco knows my sarcasm

:cheers: yep, yes he does. Hey Loco, I dare you to post the reply you were gonna write to Brooke post about not siding with Ray or tarnishing your image, lol. Brooke, let me spell this out for ya. Loco's last reply said he had a really long insult post in mind ...... so that means....... loco doesnt quite know your sarcasm as well as you think. I'v had that problem in the past and got slandered for it and lost a long time freind. Use lots of smileys, good advice. :P



doesnt constantly have a hard on for hating me

That sounds like a personal problem. :lol: Being upfront and honest, aw hell brooke, i dont realy hate you, we just see things differently. I always enjoyed arguing with ya, until you start posting mean and hatefull things back. I dont recall ever saying anything hatefull towards you. Im not being coy either. i hate the word coy now because of you, im never coy dammit. banghead:shrugani:-_-


cheers................. :notworthy::notworthy:


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Again I dont have his money......


sorry bout that, but I cant keep track of who's pipes are f**ked up and who's pipes are missing and whos pipes never arrived or if ray has the money or if you have the money or what.


I have a set out to 1.6i but now Ray sent him a set also. Instead of sending the extraset back to me seeing as how I haven't been paid, he's sending the extra set back to Ray.

1.6i needs to ship the extra set back to you. If he refuses to, or allready sent the pipes to Ray, then Ray needs to ship the extra set back to you or pay you for the extra set of pipes. Worse case senerio, Ray keeps the pipes and money and you learn an expensive lesson. Atleast your customer is satisfied and can go riding.


Ray man you aughta reply and try to work out all these little problems. Work together and fix each of your customers problems. No finger pointing. Reply with a solution. You might have to take some losses too.


Fessing up to ones mistakes takes a big man. Firemann you should prolly plan on losing some money here, chalk it up as a loss. Once all your customers are satisifed, then you guys should decide if you should stay working together.



How many successfull deals were made and sold since Fireman-Hott became the boss ??


DOes anyone else have any advice or constructive critism for these guys ??

Edited by Meat
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If EVER do get these pipes or the money I'll make damn sure I post pics.Shit,in fact I owe the HQ alot of pics(hillclimb vids,my banshee, myself).

There needs to be resolve.If I do get them they will probably be dinged and dented out of retribution.Yup! I temporarily have little to no trust.

Well....I guess you guys and gals can trust me if i ever post something for sale! :D

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Whooop there it is.  ;)  j/k brookie...we need your <sas> and wit.  A few more pics would be nice too.



yea Loco got a good burn in. i dont even have a comeback. i fully admit i contribute nothing to this site. im ok with that.

i think fondly of the community here, when i stepped down from my duties as an admin on this site, i didnt wanna leave all the friendships and enemies i had made.

it bothers me to see members f**king over other members. though im sure theres no malice in whats going on with fireman and minkia, its a clusterf**k nonetheless. those two need to get their shit straight, in private. moneys going to one, not to the other, double sets of pipes are getting sent to customers blah blah from here it looks like those two couldnt organize a good circle jerk.



.....Meat, yea guess i was wrong about loco, i posted before i saw his post. thats ok. he can dislike me, i dont say the shit i say without being prepared to make enemies. dont dish it out of you cant take it, right meat? you slam people in passive aggressive ways, im just a bit more obvious. if you cant take my approach maybe i should use your approach when i deal with you. like dealing with children. sometimes you gotta remind yourself to speak at their level.

ive obviously hurt your feelings in the past, im surprised you let me get to you so bad. the only thing ive ever disliked about you is the passive aggressive shit. thats my pet peeve in general. we can argue all day about politics and be fine, but i cant respect someone who wont call me a twit when im being one. or call me a bitch when you wanna call me one. dont wait for someone to be on your side before you talk shit about me to them. deal with me directly. if someones being an asshole ill tell em instead of saying, "hey loco look at what an asshole that dudes being" when that person is right there.

im fully aware that i can be a brat or a bitch or a twit or rude etc etc if i bother you, tell me. wouldnt you rather me say "Meat, i love you, but youre being an asshole" than be all indirect and pent up about it?

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ahhhh dont they all



For the record:


I cannot legally send someones unpaid merchandise to someone else, unless advised by the original sender to do so, therfore fireman's pipes are still sitting in my room awaiting trial! I dont like to be caught up in the middle of situations like this(first and last time). But i hope everyone gets what they deserve being good or bad :cheers:

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there's no way in hell you can say the word "meat" and not smle. Its just a f*cked up soundin' word. Meeeeeeeat, you gotta stretch the letter E when you say it. Brooke should change her user name. Too boring, not very creative at all :shrugani: . I can think of a few names for you B. :ph34r:

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there's no way in hell you can say the word "meat" and not smle.  Its just a f*cked up soundin' word.  Meeeeeeeat, you gotta stretch the letter E when you say it.  Brooke should change her user name. Too boring, not very creative at all :shrugani: .  I can think of a few names for you B. :ph34r:



i love meat. lay it on me. you gotta give it to me hard or i wont know youre there.

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